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I poked Calum's face. He didn't twitch or move at all. It made me question for a second if he was even alive. He breathed in. Good. "Calum, baby. I'm going to mess with you. Don't wake up, so I can have fun with it, okay? I love you a lot." I looked down to see he was wearing his white and black striped shirt that I loved so much. He looked beautiful.

Cal had these perfect chubby cheeks. He didn't like them, but they were my favorite part about his face. I thought they were cute, and I loved kissing them because they would smush, slightly. They were nice. I never understood why he hated those perfect cheeks. I never wanted to see tears taint them. I had once, though. We were watching this sweet classic movie called Secondhand Lions. It's a pretty old movie, where these old men have their great nephew over for a while, they were rich and grew corn fields. In the movie, after the corn grew, they ordered a wild lion, so he could roam the field, and die. But since the lion was in captivity previously, he wasn't a hunt. At the end of the movie, the lion protects the boy, and the lion dies. Cal and I both cried. It's one of my favorite movies. When the tear rolled down his chubby cheeks, I kissed them away.

I never wanted him to cry because of me.

Cal has these messy, messy eyebrows. When Cal has a straight face, they make him look a little angry. When we first met, I thought he was angry with me. He wasn't, which made me feel better. Carter had assured me, that's just what he looks like.

Cal has these beautiful brown eyes, they can be dark sometimes, but other times they look like they have flecks of gold. Like when he looked into the sun, they had gorgeous hues. When he was mad, or having lustful feelings, dark brown, almost black. When he would get frustrated about not being able to find something? They were clouded. Calum loves sunglasses. He has only two styles that he likes, but he has so many pairs. He looks sexy as hell in his sun glasses. 

And fuck, don't even get me started on my boyfriends hair. He has perfect hair. It's thick, and course. I like how it curls a bit. It makes me wonder what he would look like with hair like Ashton's and Luke's, but I don't want him to grow it out. He has nice hair. I've never seen him with the highlights in person, but I loved seeing the pictures of when they faded.

I've never really been one to talk about the way a boy looks, or really care. Cal has an amazing personality as well. I loved his sense of humor. He loves to make people laugh, especially me. I love his big heart that makes him cuddly and sweet. I sometimes like his attitude when he doesn't get what he wants, almost making me crack every time. You can't always tell, but Calum is really smart. He may have dropped out of college, but that doesn't matter. I can have intellectual conversations with him. I love it most when we talk guitars.

Calum has the most contagious laugh, and he has a voice I could listen to talk forever, even about annoying things. I love hearing him sing. I love how when I can't sleep, he pulls my head onto his chest, running his fingers through my hair. He sings like an angel, and his accent pulls through too. Calum is the man of my dreams, and I'm so happy he's mine.

I hope our babies look like Calum. If we have babies. I want babies, eventually, but not right now. I don't even think he would want children. I want them. I want to be married to Calum, eventually. I want him to kiss me goodnight every night, and I want to make him breakfast every morning. I'm in love with this silly boy beside me. Head over heels, in love with my baby.

I snuggled back into him. He was taking a nap, but I wanted to play with him. That was selfish though, he lets me sleep, even when he really wants to bug me. I wanted to mess with him, though. Not in a sexual way, but in a playful way. To get him back from when he drew a dick on my face.

Now see, Cal has darker skin than me. He was like a caramel color, and I'm an old book white shade (just less yellow). I sat on Cal's waist, with my makeup beside the pillow. I took out my eyebrow brush, and messed with his brows. I was going to put makeup on Calum.

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