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Calum, after his shower, was on the couch with Austin. They are playing Kingdom Hearts. I smiled, and slipped into the bathroom to shower.  When I got out, dressed and ready to go, Cal was then watching Austin play. "Calum, are you ready?" I asked him. I was fidgeting anxiously with my hands in the walk way. 

He looked up at me, smiling. "Babe, this game is amazing." I raised  my brows. "Yeah, I'm ready to go."

He followed me out the door, smiling as we proceeded to leave. Once we got into my car, he reached to grab my hand. He said he slept well, because I was on him completely, but I honestly thought that was a lie. I didn't sleep too well. I wasn't looking forward to today, and maybe that's why. It was a ten minute drive, but I wanted to take my sweet time. He reached over, rubbing my leg gently. "Hey Cal, no matter how this goes, will you still love me? You might see a dark side of me, and I don't want you to." 

He squeezed his hand, before rubbing small circles. "I promise baby. You have every reason to feel a little dark about it. You're going to be alright. I'll stay with you no matter what. My love for you won't diminish, just because you got angry." I smile warmly at him. I believed him. I was still just nervous about this. "I promise, sweetheart."

When we go inside, I take a few deep breaths before seeing my dad. I frowned, trying not to get upset, so soon. Calum gripped my hand tighter. He had stubble lining his handsome jaw. I tried to focus on that for a second. And then I hear the screechy red haired woman's voice. "Kira! We're over here." 

Calum kisses my forehead, before we head over there. "Who's this?" She asked immediately. 

"Connie, Dad. This is my boyfriend, Calum." I answer, rubbing Cal's shoulder where his hand laid. Cal smiled at them, being polite. Connie got up to hug us, but we dodged it. Calum pulling out our chairs to sit down.

"Your mom said that you would come alone, I'm glad you didn't. He's handsome." She had a look on her face as if she were proud. As if she had the right. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Six or seven months." I responded, shortly. I barely looked over at my dad. He was smiling. 

"How have you been, Dad?" I asked, trying to be polite as well.

"I've been great since your mom arranged for us to meet. I'm disappointed I had to go through your mom and not you." He did sound happy. I couldn't have been rude about it. I didn't want to upset him the way he had been upsetting me. "I missed you."

Luckily, then a waitress came by to ask us what we wanted to drink. Cal and I both got sodas, because we had this mutual agreement thing that we wouldn't order water at places where we didn't know if it was filtered clean or not. It was this awkward thing I mentioned last time we went out. Calum's hand was on my lap, holding my hand. His thumb was rubbing circles on the back of my hand. It always comforted me when he did that. I guess I was obviously tense.

"Kira, what have you been doing for your career?" Connie asked. I rolled my eyes, visually.

"I'm a stripper. The money's pretty good. LA movie stars sure want to see someone shake their tail for them." I say, sarcastically. Calum hides his smile behind his phone, trying not to laugh. Connie's face went slack from the comment.

We ordered our food, before I spoke again. "Connie, that was sarcasm. I'm a musician. I travel around America, and I have been for many, many years. I bet you two would know that, if it mattered to you." 

"That's almost worse than being a stripper." Connie huffed. "We expected more from you."

Cal speaks up, instead. "It's sure gotten her somewhere, if you even looked her up anywhere, you would know. Did you know she has been in three bands? One just as a touring musician, and others as vocalists and now she is in a band, about to travel the entire world? The girl is an excellent musician, and she's admired by so many people. She's excellent at what she does. It's something you should be proud of, not ashamed of." 

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