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"I love you, Calum." She hummed quietly. I freeze. She loves me? The girl of my dreams, loves me, too? My heart was so happy. My heart soared, my little angel loves me back. When I moved to tell her I love her too, she was asleep. How long had I been frozen? 

I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to wake her up and kiss her. Although, I didn't. She's had the hardest time sleeping since she got back from tour. We stayed up all night the first night, talking about tour and what she did. She told me about the friends she made, the shows she played, the fans she met (the good encounters, and the bad), the things her family bugged her about, the things she missed most, like cuddling me and my kisses. She told me about the movies people showed her on tour, and the cookies or treats fans brought Grace, that she got too. She also told me about the restaurants I would have to try next time 5sos toured. And she told me about her new favorite albums she discovered on tour, as well as her favorite venues that she hoped TiLLie would headline one day.

I told her about my days with Ace, and how I gave him baths, showed him my friends, took him to the beach, and to Starbucks, and the toys I got him. I also got the dog a bed in my apartment, in case he wanted to sleep in a bed instead. I told her about the trips I took with the guys to the beach, and meetings with the managers, because we have to tour more. I told her about how her perfume faded, and I missed her so much. I told her about how I used her key one day to clean up her apartment, only to find that it was spotless. She laughed about that. I told her that instead, I did her laundry, and stocked her fridge the day before she came home. She was thrilled, because she doesn't like grocery shopping. I told her about how I found the dude looking for her at the record store when I went in there. She rolled her eyes and said he needed to leave her alone. 

It was two nights ago, when I almost told her that I loved her, but I didn't want to scare her away. I still had a key to her apartment, that she didn't take back when she came home, so I guess she trusted me. I didn't know if she loved me back or not, but I knew she at least liked me if we had lasted this long. I was still ecstatic. 

Getting out of the bed, as quietly as possible, I went into the bathroom, turning off the shower to call Michael. I needed his help. I had no idea what to do to tell her in a big way that I love her too. He answered one dial tone in. "Mikey, hey, I really need your help!" I say quickly after he said hello.

"Must be, I guess. What'd'ya need? Are you okay?" He asked. His accent was thicker on the phone. 

"Is Crystal home? I'm at a loss, and I need help." I sighed.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's up." He laughed. "And what's all the noise in the background?"

"Kira told me she loves me-"

"You fucker, if you want out of that relationship, just say it to her. You would be making a huge mistake, though." He retorts, cutting off my next words.

"No, you dimmed wit, I love her too. We all know that. How do I tell her in an extravagant way?"

"Just tell her, maybe?"

"You sir, are no help. I want it to be romantic, because it deserves to be."

"Well don't get a heart shaped cake from the bakery. I've already done that, and if you did that, she would know because Crystal already told her the dork ways of me." He was rambling, not being much help. He's the only one in the band, other than me, that had a girlfriend, though. I had never told a girl I loved her and meant it as much as I would for Kira. 

I have been in love before, but things happened and she dumped me because I started touring, and she didn't trust me anymore. "I think you should call Mali, she would know. Hey! Show her the song you wrote about her."

BELOVED // CALUM HOOD // 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now