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"Calum!" I cried out,  frantically standing naked in the bathroom. 

I heard his footsteps come loudly and quickly. He opened the door quickly and looked around for an intruder. "What's wrong?" He asked once he didn't see anything, grabbing my face in his hands to see if something had happened. 

"Calum, there's a big ass spider in the shower, how the fuck can you not see it?" I whimpered. He just laughed. I pouted. "Stop laughing at me."

"It is a big spider, but you just look so scared right now over it, and it's so cute." 

"You think it's pathetic." I grumbled.

"No, I don't. My bad ass girlfriend, afraid of nothing, is afraid of a little spider, I think it's cute." 

"It's not a little spider, Calum! It's the size of a mouse!" I whined. Calum just smiled again, taking a couple sheets of toilet paper, smashing the spider and cleaning it up. He cleaned up the web, and flushed it. 

"My hero." I say. He grinned again, trying not to laugh at me. 

"Be glad it wasn't my dad that ran through the door." He looked me up and down.

"Shut up, Calum, I'm embarrassed enough! And he's not even home." I blushed. 

"Neither is my mom, maybe your hero wants some sex?" He persuaded. I chuckled, pushing him out the bathroom door and shutting it again. "So no sex?"

"Not right now, Calum we would be late to meet Mali." I say, starting the shower. I hear him groan. I quickly wash myself and my hair, and then shave everything. 

Dinner last night had gone really well, we joked, asked each other questions, and talked about work. We got asked how Calum and I met, and I had told them about the time I showed up at a show for my friends. Calum told a completely different story, that I had no remembrance of at all.

"We actually met right before I left for that tour. It was someones birthday, and I knew they would want a certain Vinyl. So I show up to the record store that she worked out. I couldn't find what I had been looking for, so I go to find an employee. She was wearing a yellow sweater, and it looked beautiful on her. Anyways, she looked up at me and said that the album didn't come out for another day. She already had them in, but she said as long as I didn't share it with anyone, I could have it early so I wouldn't have to come back. It was nice, and I followed her directions. I decided when I came back from that tour that I would ask her out, and I did, only she didn't remember that interaction."

I tried to think back to that time, but I couldn't. I'm sure he was telling the truth, but i just didn't recall. You'd think I would, but I didn't. I hope Grace never finds out about this. I would get into trouble.

When my makeup had been finished, and I had on my clothes, I walked into Calum's room. He whistled. "Damn, baby girl, you look gorgeous." He stated. I spun around for him giggling. 

"Hey, maybe I'll run into With Confidence and they'll ask me to be their new guitarist since the other one was a fucking twat." I smirked. I didn't know if Calum had any idea what I was talking about or not.

"I think they already replaced him, honey."

"Ruin my fun." I grumbled. He laughed, and asked me if I were ready to go meet Mali in town. While Mali and I would be getting our nails done, Calum would be meeting a friend, and then doing the grocery shopping with his mom, depending on the time Mali and I would get done. 

When we got to the designated place, Calum tried to hand me money. I shook my head, and pressed my lips to his. "Let me treat you." He whined, trying to get me to take the money.

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