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We've been in the car for two hours, and I've been exceedingly anxious. Calum was just about to meet my family, and I had no idea what could or might happen. One things for sure though, Cal and I were not sleeping in the same bed, tonight. There was no way Tiffany would let us. Carly would be sleeping in Grandma's room, and I would be in my old one, on the air mattress I had in the back of my jeep. I think Cal would be sleeping on the couch.  I had no idea. 

Calum would never admit it, but he's anxious, too. I knew my family would ask if we've slept in the same bed, and I told him to lie. Of course, if you knew Cal, you would know he is the worst liar in the entire world. So I told him I would answer. Hopefully the good Christian family wouldn't think of asking us if we did "impure things." aka, sex. I was not comfortable with that. They would ask about his life, and I wondered if they would be disappointed that I found another musician or not. They weren't disappointed with my career choice, they were just upset about it when I left home to do it. Every time. They also hated that the last musician I had actually dated, shattered my heart.

What Calum didn't know, was I was in my own band a few years ago. We were good enough to have been verified and had gone onto tours our self, but right before we got big, we broke up. We even had a headlining tour right before the break up, too. I was at fault. I mean, I was in an emotionally abusive relationship with the drummer of my own band. When the others had found out about it, they were pissed at him. He was exposed for being a beater, and the others? Well, they were still assholes. I went back to working in a guitar center, and I didn't want to join another band after that. That was when I had just turned nineteen.

I knew Austin and Tiffany would both be protective about Calum. I hoped they wouldn't ask about anything drastic,  but I knew mom asked Cal if he treated his mother well, simply to see if he would treat me right. She has this weird belief that if he treats his mom right, he would treat me right, too. I believed her, because she knew these things.

"Baby, you're driving really slow." Cal noted, chuckling.

"Am I?" I looked down at the speedometer, I was going fifty in a seventy. "Yeah, you're right, sorry."

"Why are you anxious?" He asked. He moved his hand from my hand, to my thigh. He squeezed, gently. 

"You are, too." I say, glancing over at him.

"Yeah, you're right, but I know it'll all be okay. Look at it this way, if they don't like me? What's the worst that could happen? They could try and not let us see each other, but how well would that work out? It wouldn't. I love you, too much to stay away."

"Cal, my dad wants to see me. He's still there. I don't know if I want to go around him. Your dad is supposed to be the person you trust most. He isn't supposed to be your first heartbreak." I sighed, telling him the truth about why I was most anxious. The other reasons I was anxious would be nothing compared to this, in the now.

"I would be right there with you, angel. He might be your dad, but I'm your daddy." He says, but cracks a smile at the last part. He was trying to make me laugh, and it worked well. I giggled. "And babe, think about how you're going to see Carly. It'll even be her birthday. We have nothing to worry about."


"So, Calum. What kind of music does your band play?" Austin asked. I heard him from across the room at Carly's princess party. We had gotten here an hour ago, but straight away, we were put in our Princess and Prince clothes. Austin had let Cal borrow his baby blue tie. Cal had been wearing his black jeans that I loved so much, and a white button up. I was dressed in a nude dress that I had left in my old closet.  It was a silky fabric, and it had ridges of the fabric that fell after my breasts. It was tight on top, and frilly every where else.

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