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If you're still reading this??? Thank you, I love you


I was anxious, sitting in the car with Calum and the rest of the guys. Ashton's mom picked up Ashton, and then he brought back her mini van. It was a weird system, but I met his mom, and little siblings. They're all sweet. 

"So, Kira, are you ready to meet the Hood family?" Luke asked, turning around in the front seat to ask me.

"I'm a little nervous, but I don't think I have anything to really worry about. Ready, though? I don't know." I respond.

"There's two things you're never ready for. Meeting the significant others parents, or seeing them again, and having kids. I've been told you're never going to be ready to have children." Michael noted.

"Don't psych her out, guys. They're excited to meet you. Even my Dad, and he's not one for Americans." Cal chuckled.

"Americans suck, sometimes. The people are going to create a second civil war." I groaned.

"Since you agree, Dad might like you more. He thinks the same thing."

"David scares me, though." Ashton mumbled.

"Your chest hair scares me and everyone else." Calum shot back.

I rolled my eyes as Ashton responded, "Dude every one in this van has chest hair, except you."

"He's right." I responded, earning a glare from Calum and laughs from the others.

"Peach fuzz doesn't count." Calum states, matter of factly, refering to my obvious joke. "You don't scare women away with yours."

"Neither does mine." Ashton said.

"It does when you look like a bear." I laughed.

"That just means I get to cuddle more." He waggled his eye brows.

"Do I get to cuddle you, daddy?" Calum teased.

"Absolutely." Ashton giggled. "But seriously, stop calling me daddy."

"Calum, remember, he'll get a boner." I poked. Cal looked down at me, glaring. He put his finger on my lips, telling me to shut up. Ashton glanced in the rear view mirorr at us, sending a glare to Calum, as well. Michael lightened things up with pointing out a puppy in the car next to us on the highway.

When we got to Calum's old house, we were the last ones in the car, next to Ashton. I kept taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. I looked upnat Cal, my eyes blurry. "What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm not good enough for you or-" I blinked quickly. My eyes were blurred, so I couldn't see what Calum had been doing.

I feel a warmth on my neck, and an arm around my waist, unbuckling my seat belt. "Calum." I whimpered. I was having an anxiety attack, and he noticed, holding me close and rocking me back and forth, whispering words I didn't hear. All I heard was white noise.

I followed his breaths as he put pressure over me. It wasn't white noise anymore when I heard him speak, "Kira, baby, it's okay. It's all okay. You're going to be okay. They'll love you. You're going to be okay. It's alright. Breathe, Kira, breathe. I love you. It's okay." His hands were rubbing my back and playing in my hair.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered in his arms. He cooed soft words of how it's alright, and that he loves me whether I have anxiety or not. "I love you, too." I respond, as he wiped my tears away.

I looked in the front seat to see that Ashton was no longer there. He was standing outside of the car with his back to it. My guess was to give me and Calum some privacy. "I should apologize to Ash." I hummed. Cal shook his head. 

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