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I checked my bag a few times more before getting into the uber for the airport. Chargers, laptop, headphones, two books, my glasses, my contacts, seven long sleeved t-shirts, a jacket, two short sleeved t-shirts, medications, condoms and other toiletries, guitar pics... We're good. 

I shoot Cal and Grace quick texts, telling them I'm on my way.  I take a deep breath, grabbing my carry on with my passport, wallet, phone charger, and a book. I was not ready for the long, seventeen hour flight.  I hated planes, cramped and tight. I knew someone would have to poop on the flight. I was not looking forward to the rank smell.

Calum was going to pick me up to go to the airport together, but I refused. I needed to keep my train of thought on not messing anything up this tour. I almost always messed things up, and I didn't want to this time. It would be a mess, if I were to. This time I would be meeting people important to Calum, every stop of the tour. To say I wasn't mentally prepared for that, would be an understatement.

When I got to the airport, I went through the bag check, and all of that. The dumb asses taking apart my guitar pedals, barely putting them back together right. The man looked through my bag, raising his eyebrows at the condoms. I blushed. It was no secret grown ass women have sex. I finally got through, being the second to last one to arrive. Grace patted the seat next to her and Calum, and I sat there, taking in a deep breath. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm just a little frustrated with the whole taking apart my gear thing." I shrugged. Everyone nodded in understanding, knowing the shitty feeling. We all had some form of gear to carry with us. I just felt like I had much more. And then I remembered Ashton, who wasn't here yet.

It was seven in the morning, and I was a little erratic. I needed to calm myself down, so I put headphones in my ear and leaned up with a book. Cal left for a minute with Luke, probably going to the Starbucks across the way. "Not a morning person, huh?" Ashton asked, sitting down in Calum's spot.

"Not an airport person." I responded. "Too much commotion. It makes me nervous."

"What are you listening to?" He asked.

"The acoustic version of Aqua sun by Basement." I answered him, handing him an earbud and restarting the song. He takes the earbud, listening closely. It was hard for me not to sing along to my new favorite song. We were listening to my Spotify playlist for easy going songs."These are some of my favorite songs." I tell him, and slide my phone out of my pocket and hand it to him. 

"Aw, you have Cal as your lock screen." He smiled. I nodded, It was a selfie he took of himself in the mirror when he was wearing his black sweater and slacks for me. I loved when he wore that outfit. He looked so nice in the picture. 

"He's the other background too." I responded. That one was of him on stage that I found on Tumblr. I liked the way he was smiling in it. He looked so happy on stage. I knew he loved it up there. I love my boy. "He doesn't know about it." I bite my lip.

"If he did know, I bet he would-"

"Who knew what?" Michael asked, coming back with Calum, holding a few different coffees. Michael's eyes were puffy, he was probably bummed to leave Chrystal. Cal motioned for Ashton to scoot over and he did, handing my back the ear bud.

"Kira has Calum as her phone backgrounds. She was showing me a playlist of her favorite songs." Ashton responded to the question.

"I am?" Cal grinned, handing me a cup of coffee. We still had about forty five minutes before we were going to board the plane. He grabbed the ear bud, placing it in his ear. I just hand him my unlocked phone, nodding. He kissed my cheek. "You're mine too."

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