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Clutching the toilet in my bathroom, I puked for the fifth time today. It had subsided for a quite a while, but now it was back again, just as strong. I hated this. I hated being sick. I was supposed to be getting ready for a date I had with Calum tonight. My stomach ached, as I heaved again. After emptying out my stomach that was already hollow, I brushed my teeth and called Calum.

"Hi, babe. Calling to ask what to wear?" He says, after the phone rings for a minute. I frowned, he sounded so excited. I didn't want to cancel on him. I also had no idea how my voice would sound. "Kira?" He asked because I hadn't said anything or answered.

"Calum, I have to cancel." I tell him, my voice came out in a quiver.

"What? Why?" His voice was worried, echoing in whatever room he was in.He was probably busy getting ready, like we were supposed to. I didn't want to know what had been running through his mind.

"I'm sick. I'm sorry, Calum. I didn't mean to spoil your plans." I whimpered. I felt another wind coming in, but I held it down.

"It's alright, Kira. What kind of sick? Are you alright?" He asked, setting something down, and putting the phone closer to his ear so that he could make sure he heard me right.

There was a pause, because I had to swallow it down, again. "Like flu sick." I answered.

"Do you need anything?" He asked.

"No, thank you. I have to go, Cal. I love you, I'm sorry." I hung up before he could answer. Without the details, yet again I heaved. When I finished, I laid down beside the toilet. I hated how I felt so sick.

Ace came in the bathroom, pushing the door open. He licked my hand, and I smiled lightly. He wanted me to pet him, so I did. I don't know how long I lay there., but eventually I heard a knock on the door to the hall. I figured whoever it was would go away, so I continued laying down. I felt too weak to move.

"Kira?" A voice called. I didn't recognize it, but Ace's tail wagged at my side. There was a knock on the cracked bathroom door before it was opened. "Oh, baby." It was Calum. He sits down beside me and scoops me into his arms.

"Hi." I say, my voice weak. He kissed my forehead, being careful.

"You're burning up." He states. I didn't respond, because I already knew I was. "Why are you on the floor?"

"I couldn't move." I answered, my voice shaky. He asked if I had been sick all day, and I nod. I didn't really want to talk, but he was just trying to make sure I would be okay.

"Kira, was your period late?" He asked. I shook my head no. There was no way I would be pregnant, because every time we had sex, we were protected with birth control, and he pulled out. "I still got you a pregnancy test, because I wanted to be safe. I know we've been protected, but.." He trailed off.

I nodded, sitting up slowly. He kissed my forehead once again, and I brushed my teeth, not wanting him to smell my disgusting breath. He walked into the kitchen after petting Ace. He had a few bags on the counter, and a bag from Panera on the counter. I walked over to him slowly. He smiled softly, handing me a cup of water that he must have filled up a moment before. I drank a bit of it, while he opened up the box of the tests. He opened two of the packages, and I took them, walking back into the bathroom.

I did my business and set them on the side of the sink. I stepped into the kitchen to wash my hands. "It says to wait fifteen minutes, so while we wait for that, why don't you try and eat something?" He handed me a spoon and a bowl of soup that he poured out of a container. I thank him quietly, consuming some of the soup.

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