1. Hopeless

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I quietly continue my walk.  The rain endlessly falling just like my self-esteem.   I grunt as look at my shoes making water splash as I step on the pavement.   Tears slip down my cheeks and I sniffle quietly.  I feel terrible.  Today has been hard.  

Suddenly a male body collides with mine sending me onto the ground.  The water soaking through the tears in my ripped jeans.  "Oh god! Are you ok?" the man asks me, holding out a hand for me to grab.

I grab his hand as he pulls me up with a gentle smile.  His brown hair looks familiar as it slightly shines in the moonlight.  "I'm fine, thanks," I say with a small forced smile.  We look at our hands and realize we were still holding hands.  Quickly we let go.  I feel my cheeks heat up.   Because of the rain, I'm not too worried about my tears but I wipe them anyway, just in case.

"Glad to see you are ok," he says grinning, "my name's Mark."  My brain then processes who I am talking to.  THE Markiplier.  No wonder he looked familiar.  I don't watch his videos often.  That's why I almost didn't recognize him.

"Mark, as in Markiplier?" I ask hoping I didn't cross a line.

"That's me!" he says swinging his arm.  I give a small giggle.  This time it was a real giggle.  Not fake.  This was actually the 2nd time I've really laughed this month.  The other time was when I was watching cat videos.

"What are you doing walking around at 3 am?" I said with a hand on my hip.  Purposefully pretending to be like a scolding mother.

"Oh just thinking," he says glancing around, "how about I buy you a coffee because of running into you earlier.  It will also let me get some time to talk to you."

"Let's go, I'm Y/n by the way," I say as I clutch onto Mark's hand that he offered to me.

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