37. Baby

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- Five years later -

I take a deep breath and turn on the webcam before me. A small red light brightens and I introduce myself, "Hey everyone, it's (Youtube name)!" I wave my hands at the small object and check with the person on my left. His supportive eyes shine and he follows along.

"What is up my cranky crew?!" Ethan exclaims. "It's Ethan from Crankgameplays, and today we are going to do couples challenges with Isabella!" I tease him by cheering weakly, receiving a chuckle in response. He scoots our chairs closer and places a hand on my thigh while I explain the challenge.

"We are gonna be playing the 'Touch my body' challenge," I say.

"Isabella will be assisting us too!" Ethan calls out. "Bella!"

Our two-year-old daughter waddles out to Ethan from the open doorway. Ethan immediately stands from his chair and runs, scooping her into his arms. He then joins me in front of the camera once again, Isabella in his lap. I grin at the small girl and turn to the camera, "Well, let's get the blindfold... Ethan first!"


"Ready!" I hold out Isabella's small chubby arm in Ethan's reach. He blindly reaches out and pokes her, Isabella giggles at Ethan's reactions. He makes a goofy shape with his mouth and pretends to be stumped.

"Oh my gosh! What could be this soft?" he raises his voice weirdly. I give him a strange look as I rub Isabella's stomach.

"What do you think it is, honey?" I ask him and he guesses it correctly. I take my turn wearing the blindfold and wait patiently for Ethan to be ready.

"Put out your hand," Ethan instructs and I obey, my hand feeling something solid. I slide my hand across the surface, I feel some muscle but not much else. I move downward more and recognize the texture. It's his chest.

"I know."

"What do you think?"

"It's your chest, I've felt it like a thousand times."

"Damn, you're right," I sense Ethan's lips on mine as a 'reward' and I give him a quick peck back. He takes off the blindfold and I pout at him. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"I'm bored, let's just watch Netflix or something," I plead.

"Hey, that's okay. We'll just do that instead, baby," he turns the camera off and we leave our recording room to the living room. Isabella cuddles with us on the couch, her little head rests on my chest while I lean on Ethan. Our small family cuddles and watches Shrek.

Throughout the movie, I twist my wedding ring, pondering the life I've made for myself. I think it's pleasant. I have the most amazing husband ever and an adorable baby girl. I have some pretty great friends too. Mark, Wade, Bob, Gar, Patrick, Jp, and our neighbor, Tyler. I have regrets though, I let myself fall out of contact with Seán and I haven't visited family in ages. I miss Seán...

"Baby?" I glance up and Ethan, he looks at me.


"We should go to England," I state.

"Why? Because of Shrek? Honey, he's Scottish not-" Ethan starts.

"No," I slap his arm jokingly, "I just wanna go there."

"Maybe we could..." Ethan trails off.

I kiss him softly, "That would mean a lot to me." He smiles down at me and my heart leaps. We turn back to the movie and I kiss Isabella on her head. I lean my head back on Ethan's chest and I feel his hand slip around my waist. Instead of watching the movie, I close my eyes and listen to the sound of Ethan's breath.

An intense sense of calmness washes over me and I know for sure, this is the only place I want to be.


Hello! It's the author!

I do not know if this is how I want to end this book.  I have no inspiration so this is the end so far.  I doubt I will want to continue writing as this book has sadly become a burden on me, I apologize.

I am going to promise that there is a possibility of an update showing up in the future, but for now, it is the end.  With exams coming up, and my decreased interest in my work on this book, I am unable to continue.  

I know this is very formal, but I don't know how else to express myself.

Apologies and love,

     Hannah (Author) 


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