6. Worst. Hot Topic. Trip. Ever.

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I sat down next to Jack in the back seats, while Mark drove upfront.  Jack and I both sit scrolling through our twitter feed until we hear Chop Suey faintly playing on the radio. "Turn that shit up Mark!" the overly excited Irish man yells. Mark gives a chuckle and turns up the radio.  Jack starts air drumming and I sing along to the lyrics.

As soon as the song ends we pull into a parking spot in front of the mall. As soon as Mark stops the car I grab Jack's hand and climb out of the car with our fingers still entwined. Mark just looks at me like I'm crazy as I pull my new friend all the way to Hot Topic. "You are literally insane," Jack says catching his breath.

"I know," I shrug and walk into Hot Topic, a.k.a. My home.  Literally, I have been here more than I have been to a grocery store.  I go here like once every week.  Jack just trails behind me as I make my way to the Twenty Øne Pilots section of the store.  I usually get MCR and Panic! shirts so I think it's time to give Tyler and Josh some love.  I find a cool white crop top with Tyler and Josh wearing the outfits from Car Radio.

Jack and Mark just admire me quietly as I look for my size.  Bingo!  I pull my size off the rack and ask an employee to open the changing room for me.  She leads me to the room and unlocks it joyfully. "There you go! If you need me just ask, my name's Hannah," she says.  I quietly admire her brown almost black hair with purple dyed tips, that is styled in a ponytail on the top of her head.  I give her a small nod and she leaves me.

I look in the mirror despising my reflection.  I shut the door behind me and take off my shirt, that I've borrowed from Mark.  I stare at my disgusting stomach in the mirror.  I put on the shirt and immediately frowned.  I look like trash.  I can't look good in anything.  I slowly sit on the bench in the room with tears streaming down my face.

After a small sobbing session, I take off the shirt and open the door sassily. I need to get out of here. Quickly, I attempt to dash out of the Hot Topic, but a hand on my wrist stops me. I turn to see Mark with worry flooding his face.  Seeing him worried about me sends a 4ft tall, wave of emotion to hit over me.

I tear my wrist from his grip and run from the Hot Topic that holds my only two friends. One small Irish potato and one egotistical, but caring son of a bitch. To my surprise neither of them follow me to the nearest plastic bench.  Instead, Hannah follows me and sits down by my side as I pull my knees to my chest.

"What happened?" Hannah pleaded, hoping I would tell her.

"This always happens when I try on clothes. Either they don't fit or they look bad," I say wiping my eyes on my sleeve.

"Hey, I think you are beautiful, I think one of those boys thinks so too," she says with a wink.

I look up at her and say, "I don't think so." I lean my head onto her shoulder.

"What's your name anyway?" She says giving me a side hug.

"My name's (Y/n)."

"Cool name.  Speaking of the boys though, there they are," she points at Jack who pops his head out of the store, "also you should probably go return that shirt if you aren't gonna get it." We both look at my hand that still hangs onto the TØP shirt.

"Oh," I stand up and start heading back to the Hot Topic.  When Jack spots me his eyes light up. He then runs up to me and holds me in his tight warm embrace.

"I thought I lost you." He says snuggling his face into my shoulder. "Mark was pretty worried, you should check up on him." He releases me and leads me to Mark with his hand on the small of my back. Mark looks back at me.

"I found a poster you may like," he says holding up a Panic! at the Disco poster. I giggle quietly and grab the poster from his hands.

"Alright, let's check out and leave here," I say carrying my TØP shirt and Panic! poster, to the checkout. I walk up to see Hannah at the cash register, typing away on her iPhone. I clear my throat and she nearly drops her phone making me laugh.

"Hey," she says as I set my items on the counter, " I see you got the shirt." She gives me a wink that brings a slight blush to my face.

"I thought I should, since I nearly stole it, and cried because of it." I giggle lightly. Hannah gives a small grin back.

"You have good tastes in bands, I can tell."


"No problem." Hannah hands back my bag with her phone number on top of it. "Keep in touch." I wink at her before I join back up with Jack and Mark.  All three of us leave the mall exhausted and ready to go home.

Worst. Hot Topic. Trip. Ever.

Hey bitches! How'd you like this chapter? Thx for all the support and reads, literally I've been gone for a few...weeks maybe? And we already have 200 reads!

ALSO, I NEED feedback, I need to know your sexual preferences. No, I'm not a creep or a pervert. I need to know what gender the character should like. SOOoOo to be accurate I need your help. Comment what you are below (Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Pansexual, etc.)!



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