22. Don't Cry

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After wandering around for a while I can tell that Cat has no idea where we're going.  "Do you even know where the food court is?" I say turning to her with a smirk.

"I thought I did, but I guess not," she pouts and looks at the ground.  I lightly grab her wrist and tug her in the opposite direction.  When we are facing south I let go of her and grin.  She just follows behind me, weakly.  I look at the ground watching my footsteps.

One. Two. Three. Four~

My counting stops when I feel Cat suddenly stop and I freeze in place.  I turn around and look her in her blue eyes.  "Why did you st-," I start.

"Hey Ethan," Cat says softly and turns me to look at him.  I awkwardly wave and he just smiles.

"Why are you two shopping together?" He says a little confused at our physical contact. 

"We were about to get food, wanna come with?" Cat grins and I'm still a little stiff.  He nods and we all keep heading in the direction of the food court. 

I like Ethan, but I thought this was girls thing...

Whatever, it will just make tonight easier right? I know how to hangout around guys.  What makes Ethan so different?

I huff out a breath of air as I realize that I'm probably gonna mess something up.  Probably gonna trip, maybe that'll be attractive? 

The whole time that I'm walking I feel Ethan's eyes on me as Cat talks to him.  I feel a slight heat rise to my cheeks, get control of yourself Y/N, he's only Ethan.  He's just a guy.

I rub the back of neck and continue, but this time out of embarrassment.  Just pretend he's Mark. I feel a slight warmth flood the side of my body as I turn to see Ethan standing next to me. Our shoulders lightly touch and I feel my hormones going crazy.

Ugh Y/n you need to stop this.

"You ok?" Ethan says looking at me. Our eyes meet for a second and I just nod. "If something's wrong you can just tell me."

"Mkay." I nod slightly and look ahead of me and see the food court.



"How long have you known Mark?" He says seeming actually interested.

"Four years," Moments of Mark and I over the years, flashes in my head.


"Wait, you like Fall Out Boy too?" I say hanging headfirst off the couch with my feet in the air. The tip of my head rests on Mark's shoulder as he scrolls through Instagram. One of the videos is of the iconic 'Thanks Pete' moment.

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