4. I'm ready

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He gently pulls my body up against his and swallows me in his warm embrace. "I heard you crying," he said calmly, " I don't want to bother you about it, but I know you just came from a tough situation. So I want you to know you can talk to me about anything."

"Thank you, Mark, I don't know what I would do without you," a tear rolls down my cheek. We stay hugging for a little longer till Mark lets go of me.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Mark asks politely.

"I should get some sleep, sorry I'll pass," I say lifting myself off the couch.  Mark gives a small understanding nod.  I wave him goodnight and sneak into my room.  Effortlessly I climb into bed and fall asleep.

-Time skip to tomorrow-

I hear Mark shriek my name as I quickly remove my head from my pillow.  I look to my door way and see a cheerful upbeat Mark giggling, "Looks like I got you to wake up."

"Fuck you," I say giving him a death stare.  I then groan and bury my head back into my pillow.

"Get up so we can get you some clothes and room stuff. He says literally dragging me out of bed. " I left some clothes on your bed so you can get changed." He jerks me off the bed in a swift motion, which made me fall onto the floor.  He then just leaves me there on the floor, crippled. Bitch.  I think as I stand up and put on the clothes he picked out.

He chose a dark blue shirt with some black sweatpants. I quickly slide on the clothes and meet him in the living room. "Ok I'm ready," I say snatching my phone from my pocket.  I slip on my black sneakers and wait for him to talk.

"Ok let's go," he says pulling me out the door.  He then locks it and takes me to his car.  During the entire car ride, he wears a stupid smile across his lips.  Why is he so excited?  I realize why once we pull up to the airport.

Thx for reading I know this was short. But thx for so many people adding this book to their reading lists. °3°

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