10. 'Dont tell her I took this picture'

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"Get up!!" A thick Irish accent floods into my ears.

"What the fuck Seán!" I yell sitting upright in the bed.

"Come On! We have to catch our plane for Brooklyn!" Seán says leaving the room.

"I packed your bag already so get ready so we can go. I totally forgot about the plane!!" Mark yells from his bedroom.  Of course!  Mark seriously had to forget about the plane.  Why don't I plan these things?

I take a quick glance at my hair in the mirror and (put in in a messy bun/comb it).  Whatever.  It's fine.  I run to my phone and check the time 12:01 am. At least we went to bed at 9:00 for once.  3 hours of sleep... eh that's pretty normal.  I quickly throw on one of Seán's completely black outfits and grab a bag that Mark packed for me. 

Too finish off my 'lewq' I put on some sunglasses that will ultimately be of no use to me because I am indoors and it's 12 am.

"Are you done?!" Mark calls to me.

"Yeah let's go," I say and slip on my black converse.  We all walk out the door with our bags in hand as they roll along behind us.  Mark already called a Uber so it's outside on the curb. Mark walks right over to the man inside it and hops in the passenger seat. Seán and I take the back seats.

•time skip to the gate at the airport•

"We just made it on time," Mark says as the flight attendants start calling out row numbers. I pull out my phone, 12:30 Damn, I'm gonna need to sleep on the plane. Ugh why do we have time zones. If we all sleep on the plane we should get enough rest for Pax East in a few hours.

"Row 16," the woman calls. Mark starts walking so Seán and I assume we should follow. I'm listening to music and Seán is tweeting about our situation. Once we reach the entrance Mark hands the woman our tickets, she hands them back, and we all stumble tiredly onto the plane. Mark puts my bags up in the luggage area for me and tells me what seat to sit in. As soon as I rest my head on the window I immediately fall into a mildly deep sleep.

time skip to off of the plane•

"Ok, so it's 7 and Pax East will start in a few hours." Mark starts rambling. "Are you guys still tired?"


"I'm okay with a cup of coffee!"

"Lets go to Starbucks and get a coffee then," Mark calls a Uber and it pulls up in no time with a gross screeching noise.

After I get in I decide to look at my notifications. That's where I see a picture of ME sleeping on SEÁN'S twitter. I click into the photo. I have my cheek smashed up against the window and I look super fucking ugly and exhausted. His caption says 'Don't tell her I took this picture 🤫'. I look at him with a glare.

"What?" He says putting up his hands. Without saying any words I show him the picture. He gives a small chuckle and says, "I may have taken that, yes." I give a mad eye roll and look at some of the replies.

'Who is she?...'

'Ugly thot...'



Sadness pulls my stomach downward. Then I check some from his famous friends:

'PewDiePie: Wasted'

'CinnamonToastKen: Who is this?'

And then finally:

'Markiplier: Dude you gotta delete this."

My eyes start tearing up slowly. They don't like you. They want you to leave Mark and Seán. Just stop trying. No

'Who ever put those thoughts in your head is wrong."

"I don't know what you're thinking but don't worry about anything."

Mark's words echo through my head.  Forget them for like 2 seconds at least.  Have fun with your friends.  One single tear slips from my eye.  The rest come to a sudden halt.  No.  More. Tears.

"Here," Mark says as we get out at a hotel, "I know we said we were gonna go to Starbucks, but I figured we should get ready."

"Alright," I walk after Mark as he gets the keycard for the room, unlocks the door, and walks into the room.  I set down my suitcase and pull out my Tøp shirt with some black pants. (I actually got this shirt after I wrote the chapter :p) I run to the bathroom so I can be the first to get ready. 

I take a quick shower, brush my hair, and (style it/put it up in a ponytail/bun/braid).  Finally I get dressed.  I honestly ADORE the shirt.  My black converse make the outfit look even better. 

I walk out and hear Mark say "I should dye my hair."

"Wait till after Pax to do that," I say walking into the room.

"Thank god you'r-." Mark starts but is interrupted by Seán running into the bathroom. "Fuck you Seán! I was gonna go!!"  He lets out a small sigh.

"Imma sleep. Wake me up before we go." I say and lay on the bed.

"Fine," Mark replies.

After a few minutes I slowly fall asleep.

Wow 700 Fucking reads... how? I don't even know. But thank you. This Chapter was kinda rushed so I'm sorry. It's 12:00, I'm tired af and I'm writing this so sorry if spelling and stuff sucks.  I was just really excited to keep writing!!!

Thanks for giving me some inspiration for once.  I always find it hard to concentrate and other stuff, surprisingly this book has helped with that.  So thank you for reading. Every time I see more reads I get a boost in my pride. So thank you <3

(Sorry that was long)

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