28. Awkward...

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I sigh, fix my hair and walk out of the bathroom sluggishly.  I feel a body collide into mine and I plop on the floor. "Ow!"

"Fuck, sorry Y/n,"Mark says offering me a hand.  I groan and take his hand, he pulls me up carefully.

"I remember when we first met and you also knocked me over."

"Dang, I must be good at that."

"Looks like we finally found something you're good at."

"Hey!  I'm good at a lot of things, like singing!"

"Fine... I'll give you that," I flip my hair and walk to the living room.

"Don't forget my master gaming skills, Y/n!" he shouts before he shuts the bathroom door.  

"Eh... I'm better," I say loudly.  I bet he's rolling his eyes right now, I think and head to the kitchen.

When I walk in, I head immediately to the fridge and pull out a juice box.  I throw away the wrapper and stab the juice box with my straw. I check the flavor... (f/f) (favorite flavor) yum.  I hear a small crash behind me and see Ethan on the floor.  "I-I was gonna try to...scare you," Ethan says with the last of air that is in his chest.

"Serves you right," I offer him my hand and he takes it, I just start draining the life from my poor juice box. (Author-chan may or may not have a soft spot for the juice box)  I pull him up and I realize how warm his hands are.

He stands up without difficulty and stands next to me.  His hands are soft.  He looks down and blushes at our hands.  I awkwardly let go of his hand, but as our hands part, they linger for a few seconds.  I feel heat rise to my cheeks, but I try to play it cool by sucking harder on the straw of my juice box, WHICH IS NOT BEING COOL.  

I blink quickly and leave the kitchen, still a little flustered. I hear a loud flush come from the bathroom and I sit on the couch.  I turn on the tv and immediately and it starts playing the South Park theme song. Hell yeah.

(Song Above)

I'm going down to South Park, gonna have myself a time.

Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptations.

Going down to South Park gonna leave my woes behind.

Ample parking day or night. People spouting, "Howdy neighbor!"

Heading on up to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind.

Mrph mh mph mrh.  Mphr mrph mph mph mm.

(I like girls with big fat tiddies. I like girls with big vaginas) [Author-Chan is sorry, but it's Kenny's fault]

So come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine.

The first thing that shows up is a jewish child arguing with a fat one, both of them cursing wildly. I chuckle as I watch the show, Mark just sits next to me.  I smile as I watch the idiotic stuff that's happening. "Oh by the way Y/n, we will be leaving in a half an hour so get your shit around," he says as he urges me to get off the couch.  I slowly rise from the couch trying to focus on my show.

The worst part about trips is having to pack up everything, it's so annoying.  With a bit of hesitation I'm finally off the couch and walking to my white suitcase.  Most of my clothes are packed up lazily inside, but if I want everything to fit I'll have to fold it. So I did just that, I wasted five minutes of my time on folding my clothes and neatly putting them in my suitcase.  The entire time I was reminded of the fact that 'because you didn't fold them earlier now you are wasting time', but whatever.

Each time I just replied with 'Blah, Blah, Blah, it's not like you're much better, Mark.  Do I need to remind you of all the times I've-' which he cut me off of with excuses.  This man is problematic, I'll give him credit for that.

After I finished packing I scoured the hotel for anything that I needed and found, my charger, toothbrush, hairbrush and bra; which I hope no one else saw. Now I'm watching South Park on the couch as Mark makes final checks of the room. Ethan is on the other end of the couch, he's watching TV too.

Mark sighs in relief and turns to us, "Okay guys, get your stuff so we can bring it to the car."

-2 hours later-

"Why is Ethan still here?" I ask Mark as he types away on his computer. He pushes his chair out from his desk and turns to me.

"I'm finding and apartment for him. He's gonna be here in LA."

"Oh," I say and he smiles.

"Go spend time with him please, I'll be done looking by tomorrow. Obviously he's gonna have to stay the night, he'll just go in the guest bedroom," I slowly back out of his room, nodding. I shut his door behind me and spot Ethan on the couch watching something on his phone.

"Hey E, looks like you're staying the night. How about we watch a movie?" I walk in front of the TV and my gaze is fixed on him. He sets down his phone and looks at me, nodding. I sit next to him on the couch and grab the remote. We decide to watch something on Netflix and turn on 'Gardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2'. Ethan calmly slouched back on the couch, I lay down and put my head on the arm of the couch, my legs lay on Ethan's lap.

For the rest of the night we sit like this until he passes out and I trudge upstairs, almost not making it before falling asleep in Mark's room because it was closest. 

I'm sorry I haven't updated earlier, but thank you for 20k views.  Y'all are so adorable and I'm so soft for you.  Have a good day, and remember that you're sweet and made an author smile today.


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