16. E?

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Ethan grins lightly and then looks away from me to a girl that approached his table.  I frown and look down to my food.  Jp got me a (food) with pickles.  Thank god.  "Hey uh, (y/n) you can call me Jeremy or Jp.  I don't care which," Jp says looking over at me with a small twinkle in his eye.

"Ok." I look back at my lap as a smile curves my lips. 

"So... (y/n) are you a YouTuber?" Gar says leaning towards me.

"Heh, yeah I started 4 years ago." I fake smile looking at him and Pat.

"Cool, cool." he says and Patrick laughs.

"Unlike you, Gar." Patrick chuckles.

"Are you saying I'm not cool?" Gar gets up in Patrick's face.  Patrick starts swinging his arms a slapping Gar away lightly.

"You guys are literal children." I look at the pair that are both 'cat fighting' as I would call it in Elementary.  Jeremy just giggles and they both stop and look at me.

"Is that a bad thing?" Gar smirks.  Catching me off guard I feel my face heat up.

"N-No." I look at Jeremy and see him pondering.  The boys stop and Patrick writes something down on a paper.  "I think I'm gonna go check in on Mark.  See ya guys later."

"Here, see ya." Patrick hands me the paper, it has his phone number on it.  I can tell he doesn't mean it in a flirty way, but in a sincere only-wanting-friendship way.  I smile back at him and Jeremy says goodbye. 

As I stand up I see Ethan look at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.  I decide to walk to the nearest bench and ask Mark where he is.  As I'm walking I look behind me and see Ethan heading my way. 

I try to forget I saw him and look forward, but he clears his throat and stands next to me.  "Hey, you busy?"

"N-no," I didn't expect him to just talk to me.  He smiles and keeps walking with me. The walk is quiet until Ethan asks where I was going. I reply with a 'I was just gonna sit down' and he nods his head slightly.

When we both get to the bench I take a seat and spread myself out.  Ethan looks over at me and smiles.  "I wish I could sleep," I say tiredly.

"Same, there's so much preparation that I have to do for Pax.  It's annoying." He leans back on the bench and groans. 

"Thank god it's done with, though."


We sit in silence for a few moments as we both relax.  "Hey E?

"E?"  He sits up.

"Yeah. E.  It sounds nice," I say smiling and avoiding eye contact.

"Continue." He says getting comfortable again.

"Where do you live?"

"In Maine."


"Mmhmm..." I can tell that Ethan is getting tired as his voice gets softer and quieter.  I sit up and observe him.  His blue hair is fluffed perfectly on his head.  His lips are tilted up even though he's dreaming.  He looks so peaceful.

"Wake up, E." I place my hands on his shoulders and gently shake him.  His eyes light up as if his 1 minute nap helped him have more energy. 

"Why'd I need to wake up?" He says innocently.

"You're in public,"

"Who cares what people think?" He declares sitting up.

"I do," I mutter a little too loudly.

"Well don't." He pulls me closer to him and keeps his arm around my shoulders. Unfortunately, his words infect you, like dirt in a cut.

Sorry for not writing also for that simile at the end lol. You guys are the reason I am writing this, you make me inspired.

I have also just gotten out for summer so expect more chapters.

Plz send me more encouraging things.

You are my hope, I am your hope,
I'm J-hope

I love BTS now :)

-Hannah <3

-Hannah <3

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