34. Alone Time = Lovin'

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"This is Bingo, he's good puppy," Lucas says lifting a toy dog by the scruff of its neck. He then cradles the toy and I can't help but smile at his actions and lack of proper grammar.

"Do you like Bingo?" Mark asks him. Lucas smiles and nods, giving his toy a quick kiss on the top of its head.

"Good boy, good boy," he tells the dog as if it were real. Such a bright imagination. I sit back farther on the couch, staring at the little boy -that sits on the ground- before Mark and I. Watching a little kid having fun makes me feel old, I guess I should play too.

"Can I have an animal, Lucas?" I ask Lucas, sliding off the couch and onto the floor next to him.

"Hmmm," Lucas searches the vast living room for a toy that he wouldn't mind giving up. Finally, when he finds one, he runs to it quickly and snatches it up in his small arms. Next thing I know, he's running back over to me. I hold my arms out for the small purple hippo like a greedy child.

Instead of receiving the toy I had been waiting for, the small child places himself in my criss-crossed lap. His small giggles fill the room as he laughs at his bold actions. "Here," he says after calming down and hands me the toy over his shoulder. I take it slowly and pat his head.

"I want a toy too!" Ethan exclaims and Lucas shakes his head with a smile.

"I don't wanna leave Y/n!" Lucas squeals and grabs my arm playfully.

"But you need to find me a toy."

"No~!" Lucas giggles and a smile forms on my face. I wrap my arms around Lucas's waist and hold the hippo in my hands, resting it on his stomach. My chin rests on his shoulder and I hold him protectively. Ethan continues to bother Lucas about a toy and Lucas replies with a cute 'No' every time.

During the boys' argument, my mother steps in the room, placing herself on the couch behind me. Ethan, Lucas, and I are all on the floor. Meanwhile, Mark and my mom sit on the couch together.

"Please, Lucas~" Ethan pleads with a sweet tone to his voice and Lucas gives up the fight.

"Alright," Lucas coos and removes my arms from around him, standing up to look around for another toy. While Lucas is struggling to find a less meaningful toy, my mom lets out a chuckle from behind me.

"You two are so cute with Lucas," my mother says with a wide smile. I turn to look at her and see Mark holding up his phone, obviously recording us.

"Hey! Mark!" I scold him and he chuckles.

"It's for Instagram, the fans will love this... shippers especially." Mark lowers his camera and edits the video. "And... uploaded to my story!" I pull out my phone immediately and go to Instagram. As I already knew, I see that Mark had posted something on his story. I open it and a video of Ethan arguing with Lucas while I hold onto the young boy.

A small smile unknowingly takes over my features as I watch the video. We do look pretty cute, like a little family.  I realize my reaction and my cheeks redden a bit. What am I saying?!  "Ooh, Y/n!" Mark teases me and I slap his leg.

"Shut up, Mark! Come look at this, E," I call for Ethan and he scoots over to me. I wait for him to adjust himself then I start the video. I contently watch the video until something makes me lose focus. Meanwhile, Ethan is happily watching the video from over my shoulder.

The feeling of his warm breath on my neck makes me blush. He's so close. Luckily, the video is only a minute long so I don't have to endure the feeling of him for much longer. When the video ends, he turns his head to look at mine at the same time as when I turn mine.

Faces inches apart, we stare at each other for what feels like minutes. His hazel eyes are so clear, wow. Our eye contact lasts for a bit longer until Lucas places himself in Ethan's lap. Damn, Lucas is clingy.

"You can have Tommy, he's good," Lucas places a little kitten on Ethan's shoulder. Ethan removes his focus from me and turns to Lucas, a wide smile on his lips as he removes the toy from his shoulder.

"Thank you, Lucas," Ethan pats Lucas's head and Lucas grins up at him.

"You welcome," he replies once again with incorrect grammar. I look down at my phone and turn it off, a small smile on my face.

"Wanna take a walk? Your mom and Mark are making googly eyes at us," I hear Ethan's voice whisper in my ear. I nod and slowly stand off the floor, stretching after. Ethan tells Lucas that he has to go and Lucas frowns.

"Stay, please," Lucas begs and Ethan chuckles. Ethan and I both set our gifted toys on the floor.

"Sorry buddy, we'll be back. Play with Mark," Ethan suggests to the small child. Lucas nods and runs to Mark, plopping onto the couch cushion next to him. Ethan and I say our goodbyes and head out the back door of my house. As soon as we leave through the door we are met with vast woods.

"Here's the trail," I point towards an opening that winds through the trees, Ethan and I find the starting point of the path. Slowly, we make our way through the trees and maintain a calm conversation.

"I think my favorite color is better," Ethan mutters and I hit his arm.

"No, (f/c) is better," I retort and he sighs.

"Whatever you wanna think," he smiles at me and tucks his hands in his pockets. His voice remains soft even when he complains, I love that. He always knows exactly what to do when we are hanging out and that makes me relieved. I sigh with a smile and glance out at the trees, contently.

We near a small creek and decide to take a break, the sounds of the water being too good to pass up. I sit next to the water and watch it flow over the small pebbles that are littered throughout the stream.

The water makes small trickling noises and I decide to close my eyes and listen. I sense Ethan placing himself next to me. Taking a deep breath, I straighten out my legs. "Uh, Y/n," Ethan says slowly, "can we talk?"

"Sure, what about?" I ask, my eyes flutter open. I meet eyes with him and smile softly, he returns a more nervous but truly happy smile. He then looks down at the ground and up to me.

"You're really amazing, you know that right?" he says, slightly going off topic.

"Oh, I don't-"

"You're unique, creative, smart, funny, and pretty..." he trails off, I tilt my head in confusion at why he would be talking like this about someone like me. His words sound refreshing. The fact that I matter to someone is so nice, even just occasional compliments are so flattering. Compliments change everything.

My face reddens at some of his comments, my cheeks lightly heating up. Words that I never thought I would hear, came out of his mouth.

As soon as he said them, I put my hands on my cheeks in embarrassment by how red they were getting. I don't know exactly if I was waiting for this question, but I knew exactly what my answer would be. Of course, I reply with yes and a bright smile lights up on his face.

Who wouldn't say yes when a cute guy asks you out on a date?

Ayeeee, looks like you guys get a date with Ethan!!

You wanna know what though, I saw Twenty One Pilots in concert and I was so whipped for Tyler.  And Josh had his shirt off for like half of the show.  They came so close to me too... :(

Anyway, good luck on your date with Ethan ;)

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