15. Pickles

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(Y/n) - Who? 

After I type that message I change his contact name to 'Jp'.

Jp - Gar and Patrick

(Y/n) - I take it Wade isn't coming then.

Jp - Nah, he's staying with Mark today.

(Y/n) - I'll eat lunch with you guys.

Jp - Cool, we can go soon then.

I look up from my phone and see Mandy glancing at my phone. "Who ya talkin to," Mandy says with a big I-know-exactly-who smile.

"Um, Jp over there," I make a small gesture towards Jp.

"Mmmm," She then turns her glance from me to Bob. They talk and Mark and I are just looking at the floor. I give Mark a small tap on his buff shoulder. He looks up into my (e/c) (eye color) eyes and smiles lightly.

"You ok?" I say.

"Mmhm, just thinking."

"You do that a lot."

"Thinking is good."

"Is there someone your thinking about," I smirk and he just laughs.

"I'm thinking about if you'll make any friends other than Ethan here."

"Very funny, Mark," I give him a playful elbow to his side, "for your information, I did make a friend."

"Who?" Mark crosses his arms obviously not believing me.


"Damn, you didn't make someone up."

"Whatever Markimoo, I'm gonna go have lunch with Jp."


"Shut the fuck up."

"Fine, but I'll miss you."

"Me too." I leave Mark's side and walk up next to Jp. "Ready?"

"Of course!" Jp makes a face and then walks away while I follow close behind.  He leads me to two men standing and talking.  One has black curly hair and the other has dyed purple hair. Both look older than Jp, but who knows. "Guys, meet my other friend, (Y/n)!"

"I'm Gar, and here's Patrick." He gestures to the man with purple hair.  Patrick smiles and stuffs his hands in his denim pockets. 

"Um, lets go." Patrick smiles and walks to a table with the 3 of us following. 

"Ok, so who wants to get pickles with me?" Gar says setting his stuff down on his chair.

"Oh frick ya, I do!" Jp says ecstatically.

"I want toooo," I say groaning.

"Nope!" Jp grabs Gar and runs to get food.

"At least order us something!!" Patrick yells after them.  I laugh lightly and sit down. I still want my pickles. Patrick takes a seat too and taps on his phone, smiling lightly.  I decide to take this moment to look around, to my right I see teens at a table all talking and laughing.  On my right in the distance is Ethan with Brian and who I assume is 'OG'.

Ethan looks happy with them. His eyes light up at every inside joke, his smile radiates brighter than when he looks at me. I don't care though, I'm happy around my friends too. Why should I care? To take my mind off Ethan I look down at my phone.  I scroll through my messages and see Ethan's contact picture.  I kinda wish I was with him, but at least I'm with Jp.

Breaking the silence, Patrick clears his throat.
"Sooo, when are you and Jp getting together?" He looks into my eyes.

Giving a small laugh I reply "Heh, didn't know that was a plan."

"It's not. Poor guy has had his heart broken before, that last girl hurt him." I feel the air get tense as I look down. I can't imagine Jp feeling sad. I can't imagine him feeling heartbroken, but everyone feels that way. Right?

I hear Jp's laugh as him and Gar walk back to the table, both giggling up a storm. I dart my eyes up to Jp for a second and look back down. I bet he assumes something is wrong, I just can't stop thinking about what Patrick said. She hurt him? Like emotionally or physically? Jp comes and sits next to me, he slides a plate in front of me and smiles. I look into his brown eyes and they make me grin.

"Oh, my goddd! I can't wait for this to be in mee!" Gar says as he takes a bite into a pickle. Patrick laughs and shoves Gar as Jp and I just facepalm ourselves. While our giggles fill the no longer tense air, I look over Gar's shoulder and see Ethan looking back at me. Oh god, I love his eyes

Hi! I'm so sorry I've taken so long to upload. Literally I forgot, I've had so much homework and like 5% free time. I'm sorry! I luv you and I thank you for getting us to

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Luv you,

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