14. Jp?

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"Hey!" Mark calls out to me.  I run to the signing area and stand next to him and Bob.  Bob looks over and me and smiles, I nervously smile back.  Every time I do these signings I'm nervous to meet people.  What if they don't like me.  Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be a YouTuber, right now is one of those times. Mark taps my shoulder, I look at him a little annoyed.

"As I said all these other times, everyone that will be in this room, loves you. Some of them look up to you, they wanna be you. I know about how you get insecure, but believe me, they do love you." Mark rubs my back. Mark is really the only reason why I still believe in myself. He is always trying to make me happy. I wonder if he ever wishes he didn't have to make me happy.

I turn to Bob and try to strike up a small conversation. I just tell him about the demo I played with Ethan. He's like the big brother that moves away and you never get to see. Wade is just the annoying brother that you wish you didn't have to see.

I'm sorta kidding, but at the same time, Wade is annoying, deep down I still love him though.
Honestly I have like 2% of friends that are girls. I have so many guys in my life, but I can't find a boyfriend, how ironic. I wonder if I could ever find a girlfriend?! I dunno.

"Boop." Seán says as he 'boops my snoot' as Mark says.

"Wowie!" I stick my tongue out.

"Did you just come up with that?"

"No, I uh heard it from somewhere," Ethan. (You are talking, not Ethan)

"Mmmmhmmm," Seán says skeptically.

"Are you excited for the meet and greet?" I say trying to change the subject.

"Uh, duh! I love meeting all the fans!" He sounds so happy. How?

"How do you know they like you?"

"(Y/n), they bought tickets to come see you. They are your fans, they already know all about you. If they didn't like you, they wouldn't of wasted their time getting these tickets," Seán looks at me as if I'm a complete idiot. More like an insecure idiot. I look at the floor and tell him that I'm gonna 'go sit down'. I find a chair and sit with my forehead leaning on my hand.

I hear footsteps nearing me, who is it now? "Are you ok?" I hear a soft voice say. I look up and see a boy with brown hair and acne.

"Who are you?" I say quietly.

"Oh I'm Jeremiah but my friends call me Jp,"

"Aren't you and Wade friends?" I lift my head from my hand.

"Yeah, I was actually trying to find him before I saw you,"

"Oh, I'll show you where he is," I stand up and walk past Jp.  He follows behind me as I walk towards Wade and Molly.  He seems really nice, and polite. But then again, I don't know him that well.  "There he is." I point to Wade.

"Thanks, um can I have your number?" He has a small hesitation in his voice, but he decides to ask anyway.  I nod and he hands me his phone.  I name my contact 'Emo' and take a stupid picture of myself. 

"There you go," I hand his phone back to him.  He takes a quick glance at it and he giggles, I join in too. 

"I hope you have a nice meet and greet!" He says and walks up to Wade and Molly.  Molly immediately smiles as she sees him.  Wade does the same.  Hopefully he'll actually text me. 

"5 minutes till the signing starts!" a random employee says.  I walk up to Mark and stand next to him and Seán.  Molly and Jp leave along with Mandy who watches along the sidelines as we prepare to meet people.  Bob and Wade talk, Mark warms up his voice, and Seán just looks around.  Of course I am just standing all alone and looking at the floor.  Eventually the time flies by so quickly that the doors open and tons of fangirls flood into the room. 

I pull out my phone and start recording a unprepared vlog because, really why not.  All the girls in the crowd are chanting "Mark! Jack! Bob! (Y/n)! Wade!".  I take a deep breath as Mark walks out where all the fans are.  Then Bob follows after, along with Seán.  Wade and I stay behind for a minute.

"Just take deep breaths and you'll do ok." Wade says and then runs out to the crowd.  I take one last deep breath.  I turn my phone toward where the fans would be and run out next to Wade.  As I run by the crowd, people scream my name, filling my heart with joy.  I make a face at the camera and then stop filming.

"Let's get this meet and greet started!!" Seán screams. 

The meet and greet ran well.  I ended up seeing Sarah again and took an actual picture with her.  Now I'm walking the floor with Wade, Bob, Mark, Mandy and Seán.  I'm standing next to Mandy and Mark.  I honestly don't know Molly that well, but I know Mandy better.  Mandy is a sweetheart.  "How was the meet and greet?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"It was really good!" I hear Wade answer for me.  I look to where Wade is walking and see Jp walking next to him.  Jp is looking down at his phone.  I quickly realize why when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.  I pull out my phone and see a text from an unknown number that says 'Its Jp. Also wanna eat some lunch with my friends and I?"

I should be in bed right now.


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