27. Goodbye

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"R-Really?!" I shout a little too loudly.


"That's really cool! Aren't you excited?" I dig into my ice cream.

"Yeah, it'll be nice."

"E?" I say concerned at how bland he's being.  He hums in response, "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda mixed up in my feelings right now.  I don't know what I want," he pokes at his ice cream with a spoon.  I frown and shove smaller spoonfuls in my mouth, so much for not eating.

"It'll take a while, but you can do it," I softly put my hand flat on the table and tap a finger and trying not to get his attention.

"Yeah, I guess it takes a lot to just feel okay. Ya' know?" he frowns a takes a bigger spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"I get it," I say as I continue taking small bites of ice cream.  The rest of our 'date' we actually have happy conversations.  The way his smooth voice sounds in my ears is great as he laughs.  His laugh is adorable. When we finish we walk around looking at video games, joking the entire time.  I also found out that Ethan is actually really competitive, just like me.

After many fun video games Mark sends me a text saying, "I'm leaving at 5 you can come if you want." I sigh and check the time, 4:00.  I'm probably going to leave with him since I'd rather not take a cab alone. 

"E," Ethan hums in response as he's aggressively playing the video game, "I think I'm gonna leave with Mark at five."

He sets down the controller carefully and takes my hand, leading us to another game, "Since we should probably go back to everyone soon, and you're leaving in an hour, how about we play this game? I've been waiting to see it." I nod and he releases my hand as we approach the screen, showing a small cat standing in place and its eyes shine a light yellow. 

"It looks pretty," I say and he nods. He grabs the controller and starts playing the demo.  I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see a girl with braces.

"Can I have a picture?"

"Sure, what's your name?"

"I'm Lily and this is Jazzmyn," she moves out of the way and her shorter friend waves to me. 

"Alright, let's take a picture!" I smiled and Lily pulled out her phone, brushing her blonde hair over her shoulder.  Jazzmyn fixes her hair part and stands on my right side, Lily moves to my left.  After Lily holds up her phone we all pose, she snaps the picture and says 'thanks'.  Then Jazzmyn takes her hand and they run off. Uh, okay.  I shrug and turn to Ethan who suddenly shifts his eyes from me, to the game.

"That was a little weird."

"Yup," he says trying to focus on the game.

"Has anything exciting happened yet?" I gesture towards the game.

"Eh, I haven't been paying attention," he says, obviously hiding something.  I hum in response and watch him as he continues playing the game.

"Is it what you hoped for, at least?" I hover over his shoulder, watching him play.  We both stiffen up as he turns his head and our faces are inches apart.  I gulp and he quickly turns his head. 

"I-I guess it is," he says nervously before taking a huff of air and playing the game again.  For some reason, my head is still by his shoulder after the awkward situation that just happened.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone pulling me from Ethan, my heart beats faster.  But I calm down once I see that it's Mark and not complete stranger.  He tells us that it's 4:30 and that he's gonna say goodbyes.  He wants us to meet him outside so we can go.  But why both of us? 

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