9. Chinese Food and Anime

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I hold onto Mark even tighter and release a few more tears.  He then lifts my head, and wipes my cheek with his hand. "I heard you say my name so I came out here....what happened?"

"I saw a picture of Deven," I set my head on his shoulder. He just rubs my back. "Mark?"


"Would you leave me because of my past?"

"No, of course not,"

"Good, cuz I'm lonely,"

"I know you are," He ruffles my hair.


"You aren't going out. So who cares?"

"Just cuz I'm trash doesn't mean I want to look it. Especially in front of my favorite youtubers,"

"Just because I'm a youtuber doesn't mean I won't accept how crazy my best friend looks,"

"It's because I don't want you to judge me,"

He gasps pretending to be offended, "I would NEVER."

I poke his cheek "Still..."

He pokes my cheek "No 'still's! Come film a video with me."

"Mark, I don't know if I'm ready,"


"Fine," Mark stands up and walks to his recording room as I follow him. He sits in his chair and presses record. "Hi," I squeak out.

"What she means is, HELLO!"

"I'm (Y/n)-," I awkwardly wave to the camera.

"A.K.A my bestfrand!" He wraps his large arms around me and pulls me onto his lap. He starts tickling me and I wheeze out a small 'Help'.  Finally when he's done FUCKING SUFFOCATING ME with his tickles, he lets me keep sitting in his lap as he says a few more meaningless words to the camera. "So now it's time to reveal something."

"Do you want to say it?" Because I have no fucking clue what we're gonna announce.

"(Y/n) is also my roommate! Also for you lucky few that are going to Pax East get to meet, the one and only (y/n)!" he points to me as he says 'the one and only (y/n)'. I give a suggestive wink. Then Mark keeps talking about how the community needs to support me and to 'please don't give her hate' honestly it's sweet of him, but there's always someone who hates me.

Finally he raps up with his outro and I give him a small hug before he turns off the camera. "I think the food should be here soon," Mark says lifting me off his lap.

"Oooh, I love Chinese food," I walk out into the living room with Mark following behind me.  Seán is sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand.  I walk over to a barstool and sit down.

"The food should be here any minute now.  After we eat I should film a video and you two can watch a movie." Seán says looking up from his phone at Mark and I.  "I've missed 1 day of uploads!"

"I don't have to upload," I say sticking my tongue out. 

"You should get a channel," Seán says with a little grin.

"Yeah, Seán and I could promote your channel!" Mark says excitedly.


"I don't know...we'll see," I say rubbing my arm. I would kinda like to get a channel... but at the same time I feel like no one would like me. Who wants to watch me talk about my life. No one. Maybe someday that'll chang- Knock Knock! Mark walks to the door and receives the Chinese food.

"We can watch some anime, maybe?" Mark says grabbing the remote.

"Ooo, I heard (y/f/a) (Your favorite anime) is good!" I say snatching the Chinese food off the counter. Seán does the same thing.

"Ok," Mark turns on (y/f/a) and grabs his food. All three of you are now sitting on the couch as the three of you share a comfortable silence, while (y/f/a) plays.

•time skip to after you are done eating•

"Well imma go film now," Seán says waving to us as he leaves the room.

"Whatcha wanna watch?" I say to Mark.

"How about.... Jurassic Park?" He says scooting closer to me.

"Go ahead," I give him a side hug, eventually we stop and sit a little ways apart, we stay like this for the rest of the movie. Eventually Seán comes back in the room sits on the other side of me.

(This is after the movie btw ⬇️)

"Oh god I'm fucking tired," I say with a yawn.

"Let's all go to bed," Mark says standing up and walking to his room after helping me off the couch.

"Let's gooooo," Seán grabs my hand and pulls me to my room. We both immediately crawl into bed. In a few minutes he is silently snoring next to me.

"Good night," I whisper.

Darkness floods my eyelids until all I can hear is the sounds of my own breath.

Thank you <3 we are almost to 700 reads :D

Ethan should come in the next chapter or two!!


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