11. This is gonna be good

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"Hey buddy, wake up." I hear a voice say softly in my ear.  Mark maybe?  I slowly open my eyes to see Mark hovering over me. "Glad you're awake. It's time to go to Pax."

"Yay!" I immediately sit up and run to the door. It's finally my first convention and I'm so excited to meet YouTubers!!

"I wish it was always that easy to wake you up," Mark says with a small chuckle.  Oh shit!  My arms!  I look down to my scarred wrists.  Makeup!  I need makeup!  Wait... I don't have any at the apartment. 

"Um, I have to go to the bathroom!" I say and rush to the bathroom.  I scrub my short-sleeve-exposed arm with water.  My hand rubs over my healing cuts, making them burn with desperate pain.  Shit!  The scrubbing made them even more noticeable.  My mind runs at 1000 miles an hour.

Ok, so my arm needs covered.  Jacket?  No, I'll get too hot.  Deodorant?  No, why would that help?  Makeup?  Um.  Where could there be some makeup?  The bedroom drawers?  My purse?  My purse!  My purse has some emergency makeup in it!

I quickly open up the door and scurry to my purse. I shuffle everything around till I find my concealer. I grab up my concealer and beauty blender. Before Seán can say anything I run back into the bathroom. Quickly I wet down my beauty blender, apply my concealer on my cuts, and blend it in. It burns a little but as long as I can hide them it's fine. With a huge sigh of relief I walk out of the bathroom and put my makeup back in my purse. "Women and their makeup," I hear Seán mutter from over my shoulder.

I silently grab my purse and stand up straight with my phone in hand. "Now, I'm ready to go," I say slightly waving my phone in the air.

"Great!" Mark open the door and we head out to the Uber that is impatiently waiting for us.

Time skip

"Are you guys YouTubers?" the college aged Uber driver asks.

"They are, I'm not," I point to Seán and Mark.

"Can I get an autograph and picture?" the boy asks.

"Sure!" Seán says climbing out of the car.

"Thanks a lot!" the boys pulls out a journal as I climb out of the car and wait for their 'mini signing' to end.

"Well maybe we can see you at a convention sometime," Mark places his hands in his pockets.

"Definitely! I'll check out your channels too!" He says climbing back in the car.

"See ya!" Seán grabs my hand and pulls me away from the car. The boy starts his engine and rides to where I assume is his next stop.

"Ready for your first time at Pax?!" Mark turns to me.

"Of course!" After I say this, we all walk together to the entrance of the convention building. On the front outside wall it reads 'Pax East 2014'. Looks like it's gonna be an amazing convention. I look to my left and see Mark, with his brown hair and white smile across his lips, and it brings a small smile to my serious face. Looking to my right I see Seán with his mesmerizing green hair and even bigger smile across his Irish lips. This is gonna be good.

Hallo hunnies! (I'm so sorry) I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed I just want to move on with the story (maybe a lil to quickly) I am so excited to get my thoughts out!

Especially because Ethan is here soon!

I'm also sorry for not writing in a while.
Things have just been piling up on me, again sorry.

Love you guys, seriously. Thank you <3.
Also about 100 more reads and we'll have 1K READS! HOLY FUCK, THANK YOU <3.

Luv u,

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