7. Call me Seán

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This is after they get home and at night


"You can call me Seán, that's what all my good friends call me."

"Aww, you consider me a good friend."

"I can take back the offer you know that right."

"Please don't!"

"Fine, only because you asked."

"Sure I bet that's why," I give Seán a small wink and turn away from him.

"No way are you leaving me alone in your dark bedroom! Turn around!" Seàn forces my back up against the mattress.

"Go to sleep then, I mean we are sharing my BED,"

"Shhh Marks sleeping," Seán elbows my side, "also how come Mark made ME sleep in the same bed as YOU."

"He probably didn't want to have to listen to you bitch about the darkness all night."


"Sorry Seán," I then make a higher pitched goofy voice, "I wuv u!"

"Wuv u too," he imitates my goofy voice.  I snuggle up to Seáns bare chest.

"You seriously need a shirt if your sleeping with me," I look up at him.

"No way!" A small pause happens in between us.

"Why didn't you take the couch?"

"I don't know?! Ask Mark why."

"Too lazy."

"That's what I thought."

"Welp goodnight."


"What Seán?"

"Stay awake with me."

"No, you should be going to sleep too. Pax is coming up."

"I still have tomorrow till it starts."


"Ok fine!"

"Goodnight my green bean."

"Night my lil weirdo."

"You need to give me a better nickname." I giggle lightly.

"I will," he holds me closer to his chest, "goodnight."

Sorry for this crappy ass, chapter. It was a smol filler. Still thx for ALMOST 400 READS. I literally couldn't do this without you lil fangirls <3 I am eternally grateful.

Ethan will come soon... promise!!! He'll probably come in two more chapters. At the most probably... 3? Still, luv u!

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