23. Promises

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"What do you wanna drink?" Ethan says smiling at me.

"A (F/s/b) (Favorite Starbucks drink)," I respond weakly and feel his hand slip into mine as he walks to the counter. Ethan orders quickly and walks to a couch, pulling me along behind him. We both take a seat and silence echos between us.



"Do you have any nicknames I could call you?" He looks at the ground softly.

"(N/n) (Nickname) is what Mark calls me."

"N/n. . . I like it," Ethan smiles and glances to me, I just keep my head pointed at the ground.  Out of the corner of my eye I see a blush rise on his cheeks and he bites his lip, I don't know why though.  Is he looking at some pretty girl or something?

I try to remove those thoughts from my head and continue looking down.  After a while longer of silence I look up at Ethan and see his eyes on me.  Is something on my face?  I notice that he's mainly looking at my lips, I cover them with my hand, and bite the side of my finger self consciously. He just blushes and points his head toward the drink counter.

Ugh I don't understand this man. Ethan stands up to get our drinks, I'm assuming, and leaves a cold spot on the cushion next to me. My mind races thinking about what's happened so far. I'm a bit tired, we should head to the hotel soon.

Ethan plops down next to me with our drinks in hand.  He quietly hands me my drink and I take a small sip.  He takes a small drink too and smiles afterward. "Are you feeling better?" He turns his head so it faces me.

"Sorta, thinking of him still bothers me," I look down at my drink.

"Don't think about him then," Ethan's eyes soften and he tilts his head cutely.

"It's hard not to," I sigh.

"How about I promise you that by the end of tomorrow I will make you forget Deven?" He places his left hand on my thigh.

"What if you can't?" I turn to him.

"Then... I owe you a... ice cream? And if I succeed, then you have to go on a date with me," he says quietly, obviously embarrassed.  I giggle and nod.

"You're on, E." I smile and continue drinking my drink. He starts drinking too and I suddenly sense the heat that had been sitting on my leg.  I look down and see Ethan's hand on my thigh, a blush rises on my cheeks.  After we both get about halfway through our drinks Ethan suggests that we leave so we can rest up for Pax.  I agree and we walk out of the coffee shop, standing shoulder to shoulder.

I need to stop blushing and shit.  Come on Y/n you can't let your feelings get out of control, remember what happened with Deven.   I sigh and Ethan pulls me over to the wall by the restaurant.  He looks in my eyes and gives me a reassuring smile, "Don't be upset."

"Sorry," I frown and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I thought about Deven."

"It's fine, I'm supposed to be helping you, I promised." He grins softly.  I smile and he grabs my arm and runs down the street.

I'm sorry that this is so late, I watched Netflix all day yesterday and today I watched tons of YouTube.  I FOUND SOMETHING OUT PEOPLE.

I got Club Penguin again! I found it! It got worse, but it's cool to be back with my penguin brethren.

Also I recommend watching a drama called "Meteor Garden", I watch it on Netflix. I loveee ittt. (Chapter pic is cast)

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