18. I hate Cat(s)

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Oh god how many more people do I have to meet?  Ethan and I walk next to each other as the other three trail behind on their phones.  Cat attempts to look cute and puts away her phone, puffing out her chest.  I roll my eyes knowing that Mark will never love someone like that.  A.k.a. a girl that will overly try to show off how sexy she is.  She is sexy though.

Ethan turns to me and smiles I just look at the floor.  I can feel Cat's eyes glaring at me as Ethan starts walking a bit closer to me.  "You ok?" Ethan looks at me softly.


"Alright," Ethan mutters.  Mark starts walking to us and smiles wide.  Cat grins and approaches Ethan so she doesn't look rude by walking ahead. 

"Hey Markimoo," I say walking to Mark's side.  He looks over at Cat, raising an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Who are they?" Mark folds his arms making them appear more muscly. 

"Well Mark, here's-"

"I'm Cat," she smiles seductively.  Mark smiles almost smirking.

"Um yeah, anyway.  This is Taylor and Natalie."  Mark nods and Taylor and Natalie look confused on who he is.  "Oh I almost forgot, Mark here is my best friend and pretty much brother."  Mark smiles and puts his hand on my waist pulling me to him.  Ethan's smile drops and he almost looks... hurt.  I bet it's nothing.

All I can focus on is the fact that Cat is glaring at me for even just touching my best friend. Ugh. I wonder if Mark can see her reaction. Ethan clears his throat, "How's Pax so far, Mark?"

"Good. I've met so many amazing people," Cat looks at Mark in annoyance as he finishes.

"I love my hotel. I'm at least glad I'm here with you guys," Cat says with a smile on her face. I can't tell if she's talking about the boys or about all of us. "Maybe us girls could hangout later."

I was frozen in place, hanging out? I haven't been friends with another woman in years. Let alone going on a shopping trip. Why me? Ugh, this girl is confusing. The grip on my waist tightens as I feel Mark pull me somewhere.

We go a few steps farther from everyone and Mark looks into my (e/c) (eye color) eyes. "Why did we leave them?" I say.

"I could tell that you stiffened up. Also I know how little you hangout with women. You'd be fine with her right?" He stays focused on me and looks a little worried.


"Ok. Before we left I told them that I needed to remind you of something."

"Alright, lets go talk to them," I sigh lightly and walk back with Mark. My side is still cold from where he had his hand placed on it.  "Sorry about that, but that sounds like a fun idea."

"Great we can meet at 6 at the mall!" Cat says and I just nod while fake smiling.  This is gonna be a living hell.

Hello.   You people are fucking funny.  I'm lonely.

We should be friends.

We have more achievements that I'm too lazy to take pictures of, But it's still amazing!! Thank you.  I'm sorry that this story is shitty.  I made the story from scratch and it has no plan. I decided to make a plan at chapter 13 -_- it's a bit late.  But I promise the story will shape up!

Thank you.

You are my hope.

I am your hope (?).

I'm J-Hoe.

-Hannah <3-

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