5. Gate 3

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"Come on," he says getting out of the car, "we have a friend we need to pick up." Without question, I follow Mark into the airport.   I end up following Mark to gate 3.  Lazily I lean up against the window that shows me the currently unloading plane.

"Who are we waiting for?" I ask turning to Mark.

"You'll see," he says turning back to the gate.  He seems really happy to see this person.  I should be happy too.  Happy for Mark.  Happy that he gets to see one of his friends.  Even though the only friend I have is Mark.  Maybe it's a girlfriend or something.  Maybe he's replacing me.  I slowly lower my head to the floor.  Mark then puts a hand on my shoulder. "I don't know what you're thinking, but don't worry about anything.  Also get ready to put on a smile, because my friend is on his way."

I give a small smile to Mark.  His.  So either Mark is gay or these two are just friends.  The thought of them being a couple sinks in and I release a small laugh.  They are probably just friends, but if he has friends that means he can replace me.  He's the only friend I have.  I can't lose him. Hopefully, this guy won't change that.  Lost in my own thoughts I am oblivious to my surroundings until Mark places his hand on my shoulder. "This is (Y/n)," he says presenting me as if I was an object.  I looked up to see a man with green hair staring at me.

"Hi (Y/n) I'm Sean but you can call me Jack!" He says loudly, as he holds his hand out for me to shake.  I shake it gently and think to myself.  I can't believe it.  It's Jack!  I look over to Mark and he returns a grin.  He knows I know Jack.  That funny bastard.  His goofy smile makes me giggle which makes Jack join in.  Then all three of us are laughing.

"Is a YouTuber event happening?" I ask looking to the boys.

"Yeah, Pax is coming up in two days," Jack replies kindly, " so I assume you know who I am."

"Of course I do!  The first thing you should know about me, if we're gonna be friends, is that I'm a major fangirl. I'm surprised I contained myself around you, to be honest," I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck, but both of them thought it was funny.  That put a small smile on my lips.

"We should probably head to the mall now," Mark says looking at Jack and me for approval.  Jack and I looked at each other and gave a small nod. "Great," Mark says and grabs my hand. Before Mark darts off with me attached to him, I grabbed Jack's hand and pull him along with us as Mark drags us out of the airport and straight to the car.

Thx for reading °3°. I know you are just DYING to see Ethan but trust me he will show up soon.

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