21. Alone Time with Cat

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Ok, so the shirts fit.  Cat's taste isn't too bad in all honesty.  From looking at her clothes, she knows how to show off her features. What features of mine would I show off though? Probabl-

A knock comes from the door making me jump. "You almost done?" Cat says lightly from the other side.

"A-almost!" I scramble to take off the blue shirt and slip on my grey one.

"Sorry if I scared you," she giggled. I grab my phone and the shirts I had tried on. I place my hand on the cold knob. After sighing I open the door and see Cat smiling.
"Did they fit?" I nod and she smiles even wider.

"Do you wanna get them?" She asks me.

"Sure, why not?" We walk to the counter together and I place my shirts down.  Cat must have tried on some shirts because she places two on the counter.

"Do you have a membership with us?" The cashier asks.  I see Cat slightly roll her eyes so the cashier won't see.

"Yes. My number is XXX-XXX-XXXX." I giggle as the woman is totally oblivious to Cat's eye roll.

"Great, you've saved $50 today.  Your total will be $59.25!" The woman is slightly uncomfortable as Cat smirks and I giggle.  Cat hands her, her card as she tries not to laugh too.

"Thank you." She smiles and grabs my hand as I quickly grab our bags before she pulls me to another store.  "Lets get you some pants and shorts here."

She immediately runs to some nice looking jean shorts as I venture into the ripped jeans.
I scan all the ripped jeans until I find the black ripped jeans. I should see what Cat wants me to get. Walking back to Cat I sigh as I see that she's holding white shorts.

"Those are not a good idea," I say eyeing the shorts.

"True." She hangs them back on the rack and keeps looking. "We should look for leggings!" She smiles as she wonders off to the leggings. Most are black which is nice. She picks up black leggings and grey leggings. 

"Black or grey?" She says as she slightly lifts them as she talks. 

"Black please." I plead knowing that she's trying to get me out of my comfort zone.  She only nods and hangs a pair over her arm.  My eyes widen and I walk with her back to the shorts.  She lifts multiple colors as my eyes remain fixed on the black shorts with slight tears in them.  "We can stop at one store that you want, ok?"

"Thanks," her eyes soften as I smile softly.  Now all that remains is the comfortable silence that hangs in the air.  Am I just imagining this?  Am I actually making friends with another female?  Ever since I met Mark I've only been around men, occasionally women.  That's 4 fucking years.  Jesus, I'm so introverted.  I sound like I haven't been out of the house in years.  It's not like I was any different before I met Mark though, if anything, I'm better than I was. 

Mark has built me up.  He's made me happier than I've ever been.  He's helped with my depression and anxiety.  The whole time he's just been, himself.  His loving and caring self.  He's made me feel so loved.  I still don't know how such an amazing person was brought into my shitty life.  A soft breeze kisses my cheeks and I hear Cat's soft voice along with it.

"Y/n, are you ok?" I blink quickly and nod as I scratch my neck.  Her eyes soften as she looks into mine.  "Do you wanna eat after this?"

"Always," I moan a little too loudly and Cat bursts out in laughter.  My cheeks heat up in embarrassment and Cat laughs weakly into my shoulder from her giggling fit.

As she recovers from her "near-death experience" as she puts it, I try to calm my blushing cheeks. Cat just grins and heads to the checkout.

Im sorry this chapter is a lil late. I was gonna make it longer, but I need to get stuff out there. Thank you for your support.

I promise I'll keep writing over these next few days.

Actually in a few days I'm going to Interactive Introverts (A.k.a Dan and Phil's concert!)


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