12. Pax Easttt

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4 years later ;)

"Ready?" Mark says walking through the parking lot with me.

"Duh!" I push ahead of Mark with a big grin on my face.  I look forward to see the big convention hall with the words 'Pax East 2018' on it.  This is my 4th year of attending here, and will soon be my 2nd year of doing meet and greets with my fans. 

  I look to my left and see Mark with his styled dark brown hair with a grey sweater over his shirt.  I look to my right and see the space where Seán would have stood, if only he didn't go back to England.  I wish we talked more.  The only times I see Seán are at conventions and on social media.  I miss hi-

"Ready to see everyone?" Mark gives me a hopeful smile.

"Yeah," I start thinking about Seán again and my smile drops a little.

"Don't worry, your fans love you so much!  I'm glad you have a channel, you've grown so much." He pulls me into a 'big brother hug' as he calls it.  Mark is so sweet, his hugs always cheer me up.  Mark and I walk up to the entrance of the convention with his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Mark?"


"Seán is gonna be here, right?"

"I think so," Mark squeezes me tighter then lets go of me.  We walk into the convention.  Mark wearing a smile and I wear a small frown.

*DISCLAIMER: I have never been to Pax so I have no clue what it looks like* *Also yes it is 2018 but Ethan has blue hair in this story*

Mark tells me about some things that he found online, when out of nowhere he just stops walking, and talking.  "Umm Mar-" I say.

"I NEED TO SHOW YOU MY FRIENDS!" Mark takes my hand and leads me to a booth.  The boy at booth has acne sprinkled on his face.  His brown hair is dyed blue in the middle section of his hair, like Mark had.  This boy has more of an electric blue in his hair, it makes you want to smile when you see it.

"Hey!" Mark says to the boy as we stand in front of his booth.

"Hey Mark!" His voice is even more energizing than I thought it would be.

"Ethan, meet (Y/n).  (Y/n), meet Ethan.  Ethan and I met online," I awkwardly wave as Mark introduces us.

"How come I didn't hear about your 'internet friend'.  We are roommates, and best friends, you can't be keeping other friends from me," I cross my arms with a fake pout.

"Sorry, I won't do it again," Mark winks.


"Ugh, Fine. Next time I'll tell you,"

"Good," I give a satisfied smile.

"I can see how you two are friends, you're both big doofs," Ethan giggles.  His soft laugh makes me blush a little, I think Mark noticed.

"Well, we have to head to our meet and greets, but it was nice to finally meet you in person!" Mark gives Ethan a firm handshake.

"See ya guys later!" Ethan gives a small wave and returns to what he was doing. Mark takes my hand and leads me to another place. I see 5 people standing in a little group. One by one all the people look up at Mark and I, as we walk towards them. Bob. Mandy. Wade. Molly. Seán. Seán! I let go of Mark's hand and run to Seán. When I reach him I give him a huge hug.

"Hey buddy!" Seán says into my shoulder.

"Did you miss me?" I say seeking attention.

"How could I not miss you?" Seán releases me from the hug.

"Well, I'm mean we stopped talking for a while.  I figured that you either didn't like me, or you just were too busy to care about me." I say with a small frown.  He looks down at me and holds my hand.

"I'm sorry you felt that way.  I don't hate you, but I have been busy," Seán rubs my hand.

"Thanks buddy," I lay my head on Seán's shoulder.  We only stay like this for a few seconds after I release Seán's hand so I can go see the others. 

Same old, same old.  Molly and Wade are happy and glad they are getting married, and Mandy and Bob are 'just perfect' as Mandy says.  I kinda wanna talk to Ethan again, I mean, yeah, it's great to catch up with everyone, but I wanna meet new people too.  "Mark?" I tap his shoulder.


"Do you think Ethan is still at his booth?" I say tapping my foot on the ground.


"Would it be fine if I go hangout with him and meet up with you later?"

"Sure, see ya." Mark says and turns back to Wade.  I take a few steps forward and get my stuff when I overhear Wade and Mark talking.

'Who's Ethan'

'A friend of mine.  I think (Y/n) might have a crushhhh on himmm!'

'Young love' (fucking, Wade)

That's all I can bare to listen to so I walk to where I remember Ethan's booth is at.  There I see the blue-haired boy looking around with his chin resting in his hand.  His eyes scan the room hoping for some type of amusement.  His eyes look like a hazel color.  While I try to think of the color of his eyes, his eyes meet with mine.  Shit!  I was staring for too long!  He doesn't seem to care though, he lifts his chin from his hand and sits up.

I give him a small wave and start approaching him.  The closer I get the cuter he looks.  Damn. "Hey (Y/n)!" He says enthusiastically.

1 Ethan is here!!!
2Let's get to 1K reads!


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