19. Sh*t

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- Time skip -

"Shit. Can you guys hangout with us tomorrow night?" Mark says to Bob and the others.

"Why?" Wade says, just being Wade.

"I have to go shopping with Cat tonight," I say crossing my arms.

"Good luck," Seán pats my back, sympathetically. I just giggle and give him a hug. After that I wave goodbye to everyone as Mark and I walk out the convention doors. Most people have left by now so there was no wait to leave. Mark smiles the entire way to our uber. His happiness is the only thing I don't understand about him. He smiles a lot. I don't get it, why do I need to smile? Then my face hurts. Friends and music are the only reasons why I smile. Other than that there is no reason to.

The world doesn't need my smile.

I'm just a speck on the vast surface of this planet that we call, Earth.

Why do I matter?

Mark opens the uber door for me and I scoot to the other side of the car. He sits next to me and tells the woman some directions. She nods and starts driving down the clean black road. Why does life get so hard? Why is it so hard for me to want to wake up in the morning? Shouldn't I enjoy seeing the sunlight every morning? Why don't I?

All these questions pull down my head and eyes as if they are weighted. My eyes are glued to the ground as Mark looks at my slouching figure. I feel a hand sitting on my thigh and a comforting warmth goes through my body. I look at him giving a half smile that says "I'm ok", but after years of him being with me, I know he doesn't believe it. He just looks back at his phone and moves only his thumb against my thigh.

"What time is it?" The woman asks.

"4 o'clock," Mark says looking through his phone some more. Mines dead.

"We're going to the hotel right?" I say quietly to Mark.

"Yeah, I need to rest."

"Thank god. My phone died a while ago. I don't wanna forget to charge it before I go out." Mark nods his head and rests it on the car door. Now I have to stay awake. I roll my eyes as I hear a small snore from his side of the car. "Mark you're gonna be the death of me."

- Time Skip sponsored by Taehyung's adorable face -

- Time Skip sponsored by Taehyung's adorable face -

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It's 5:45. Shit. I stand up from the couch and see Mark look at me and nod. I grab my wallet and phone, as I call for an Uber. I slip on my shoes and open the door with a groan. Why did I agree to this? I'll be fine. I walk up to my Uber and crawl in with disgust on my face.

-Time Skip-

"Hey Y/n!" Natalie says grinning at me. I walk up next to her and Taylor as they wait for me. All three of us decide to meet Cat inside once she gets here.

"Fuck, I need to piss," Taylor with annoyed look on her face.

"Me too," Natalie says, "we'll be back! Stay at that bench." I nod and walk to the bench Natalie pointed to as they both enter the woman's bathroom. Well this is gonna be boring. What kinds of stores are there? I scan the area and see different places. Forever 21, eh. HotTopic, hell yes. Kohls, maybe. Cat, wait what?

I see Cat pressed against a guy. W-wait haven't I seen him before? He's tall, taller than me.

His eyes look sharp and threatening. His posture looks cold and his movements are like ice. I see their lips meet and my stomach turns its self inside out. What?

They both look around, his face now revealed. He looks in my area and our eyes meet. A unsettling cold feeling travels up my body. Deven.


Idk what to write here.

I love you.

You guys are the shit.

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