Chance Encounter

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Monday morning found Kira miserable

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Monday morning found Kira miserable. She connected to Tom Sawyer on a spiritual level over that simple statement. She was especially trying to avoid that Monday. It was the day of the annual meeting.

Kira sat in one of the middle rows, behind a tall guy: Perfect, she thought. She was short and most of her friends called her tiny but this was an added advantage. She could sit behind anyone and mostly go unnoticed. She could sleep peacefully here. These seminars somehow managed to top college lectures on the boring chart.

She'd been there for almost ten minutes. Punctuality had never been her problem because she didn't need much time on appearance; she sparsely did any makeup.

An old guy sat next to her right and she smiled politely at him. She smiled in satisfaction upon seeing that it was not Mr. Smelly Kim.

"We meet again, Park Minjee." Said a voice to her left.

Kira cocked her head to the left. Minjee was her official name and at times, she felt foreign to it because most of her close-circle people called her Kira.

Sitting next to her was Taehyung. He smiled at her innocently; she felt foreign to that too. "Looks like somebody did a research on me." She said clearly remembering not disclosing her name.

"Of course! How could I not? The girl who defeated me." He said, as the innocence in his smile wavered.

For some reason, that sent a chill down her spine. Something about the tint of bitterness in that sentence made her gulp.

"I honestly didn't think I'd see you here. How are you?" He said, regaining his composure.

"I am good. You?"

"Never better."

"There are plenty of seats out there. Why did you sit here?"

"The lectures here are boring and I wanted a friend for company."

Kira could relate to the former part, but the latter? She highly doubted it.

"Friends." She repeated. Thankfully for her, the program started on time, saving her from a further awkward conversation. As predicted, it was achingly boring.

The seminar went on for three hours. Kira lost count of the number of times she had flinched from her sleep every time a man shouted into the mic. Occasionally, Taehyung would interrupt her with a small talk and at other times, he slept like a baby.

The gods had heard her prayers and the meeting finally came to an end. Most of them were busy rushing over to the food section. Kira lazily got up from her seat and stretched.

"Come, let's have food." Said Taehyung and waited for her to walk. Kira sighed inwardly, she'd been desperately hoping for him to leave her.

"Jin, that's your co-partner, right? Why isn't her here?"

"He did his part last time, and it was my turn this year."

Taehyung laughed at that. "That's how I am here too. I got a free pass last year but this time, I had no choice but to take my turn."

Kira found that amusing. Finally, she saw food and all her uneasiness vanished. She took her fill and was tempted to take a drink but decided against it. Taehyung on the other hand went directly over to the drinks.

The food had always been the highlight of these meetings. They were absolutely heavenly. Kira was pleasantly enjoying her meal when a heavily intoxicated Taehyung sat next to her. It had been barely twenty minutes, she thought. Either the guy had very low capacity or he could drink like a water tank. Either way, he was hammered.

"I hate people." He announced. "They are stupid, smelly, mean, boring, ugly and smelly. I hate people. Did I mention they are smelly?"

It took Kira all the strength in her to stop herself from laughing. She pretended not to know him and continued with her food.

"You smell nice. Are you not people?" He took a gulp from his glass.

"I smell alright. I must not be people either." He said seriously.

"I am not denying on that latter part." Kira murmured to herself.

A few seconds later, Taehyung smacked on to the table, unconscious. Kira sighed. Unlike other times, Kira felt more pity than disgusted. Such a pretty face, wasted. She got up from her seat and glanced one last time at Taehyung. She hoped never to see him again. Little did she know that her wishes were barely ever granted.


Kira got home and grinned widely at Jin and Hoseok who were sprawled lazily on the couch.

"I did not drink. Not even a drop." She announced, smirking.

"I don't believe you." Jin said dubiously.

"You want me to walk in a straight line? You want me to exhale?" Kira chuckled.

"On second thoughts, no. I don't want to faint. I want to live."

Kira threw a pillow at him and he dodged it. Unfortunately, it hit Hoseok but he was too excited anyways.

"Alright, Jinny-boy." She teased. "Give me a foot massage."

If they won the bet, if they walked back home without drinking from the meeting, the loser had to act as a servant for one week. Kira was sad that they didn't make it longer. Nevertheless, she sat comfortably on the couch as a scowling Jin started squeezing her feet.

"Me too! Me too!" Hoseok pleaded.

"You didn't win the bet, I don't have to serve you." Jin said grumpily.

"Jin, give Hoseok a foot massage after this." Kira smirked slyly. Jin looked incredulously at her while Hoseok kissed her cheeks in happiness.

Ooh yeah, this week is going to be fun. Or was it?

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