Distress Call

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"I brought coffee!" Smiled Yoongi handing a cup each to Jin and Kira

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"I brought coffee!" Smiled Yoongi handing a cup each to Jin and Kira.

"How are the stats?" Kira asked.

"Better than this cookie and that's saying something." Jin said in between munches. Kira high-fived them. "Dinner is on me."

Just then Kira's phone rang. Cherry it read. She picked it up enthusiastically. Her name was Yubi but her red cheeks earned her the nickname Cherry. She was a fellow entrepreneur and good friend.

"You haven't called me in months!" Kira complained.

To her astonishment, all she heard was sobs from the other end. 

"What happened?" Kira asked.

"It's- it's- al-all-ov-er. I don't-know-wh-what to do now." She managed to say.

"Yubi, calm down and tell me what happened clearly. Whatever it is, I am sure we can fix it." Kira soothed.

Cherry managed to calm down a little and in-between her sobs, she managed to tell the whole story. Kira gripped the phone harder, anger boiling in her eyes. "Get yourself something sweet, you need to calm down. In the meanwhile, I'll take care of it. Trust me, okay?"

She heard a feeble "okay" from the other side and cut the call.

"What is it?" Jin asked, looking concerned over her angry stance.

"I have to visit someone." She said and left the room with a clueless Jin staring after her.


"Park Minjee, you may now enter his office."

She walked in to find Taehyung looking expectantly at her.

"You came to meet me! How sweet." He said, smiling like an angel. "Should we get some coffee?"

"Coffee can wait." Kira said, calmly.

Cherry had been sobbing hysterically at the loss of her company. Her company was doing fine until a certain someone bought the company in whole without much notice. Much like Kira, her company was her life. But unlike Kira, she wasn't at luxury. Cherry's mom had died a few years ago and her father was fighting hard against cancer. 

Unlike Kira, her life was completely dependent on her company.

Despite being angry, Kira's first strategy was to always initiate negotiations calmly. It worked most of the time and fights barely did any good to anyone.

"Am I missing out something?" He asked innocently.

"The company that you bought today morning, I request you to leave it."

"If I recall right, it isn't yours. Why do you bother fighting for it?" He asked, his expression turning serious.

"It's my friend's. Buying it is not going to do you any good. She needs it dearly."

"I don't know what business you do, but sympathy rarely acts as a factor in this game." He said curtly.

Kira remained silent.

"If I don't, what are you going to do? Threaten to expose me again?"

"No." Kira said firmly. "I gave you my word that I won't use it like that. I am trying to talk to you, the human you, the one that sees at least a little bit of compassion."

"Right." He scoffed.

"Look. You might be a rich brat but don't let that get into your head. All of these are games to you isn't it? Well guess what? It isn't like that for most people. To most of them, these are their lives. Lives they built up with sweat and tears and you easily ruin it like dusting a cobweb. When will you grow up?" Kira asked, slowly losing her cool.

"For someone who is trying to 'Talk to the human in me', you're not doing a very good job." He smirked.

Kira closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 'Calm down.' She chanted to herself.

"But, since you took the trouble of coming all the way here. I'll strike you deal." He said with a smile. "Go on another date with me."

"Taehyung, you can't...-" Kira started.

"Am I not handsome?" He pouted.

"It's not...-" Kira tried again.

"Look, before you make a drama, just think about this. You can save your friend's 'life' by simply going on a date with me. In my opinion it's a win-win situation for you." He interrupted.

"Fine. Deal." Kira said. She had promised Cherry that she'd give her back her company and she was willing to do anything for it.

"Now that's a good girl." Taehyung smiled.

And like that, fate was playing with her once again. 

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