A Series of Unfortunate Events - Part 1

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A/N: This is practically a 'steamy' filler. Soft stans, please feel free to skip it. I swear there'll be no continuity error.

Kira shivered in her bed, trying hard not to think about it but as always the human brain loves making you cringe, especially when you crave for sleep

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Kira shivered in her bed, trying hard not to think about it but as always the human brain loves making you cringe, especially when you crave for sleep. If embarrassment could be embodied, it would probably take the shape of Kira in that particular week. It wasn't a single incident that made her feel this way; it was a combination of few that gave her enough cringe for a lifetime.


"Taehyung, stop. I promised Namjoon I'd meet up with him in ten minutes. That ten minutes was half an hour ago." Kira managed to stutter, her breath hitching and her heart hammering hard.

"Hmm sure. In a minute." He mumbled, continuing to assault Kira's skin.

His head dipped low and he sent feverish kisses down her neck. She could feel his teeth graze at her exposed throat, his fingers tangled in her hair. They were on the, god forbid; Kitchen table and Kira could barely manage to see clearly as he pushed her further onto the table. She knew she was going to be murdered by Namjoon but that was the problem, no matter how much she wanted to, she just didn't feel like stopping him. They were in that giddy phase where all they wanted to do was to be with each other. At times like these, it proved to be fatal.

She could push him away and simply sprint out of his grasp and escape but no; she pretended to look helpless, silently hoping that he wouldn't stop. She bit her lip from moaning when he hit a certain spot and hoped that the sleeping Jungkook wouldn't suspect anything.

"Right in front of my salad?!" Jungkook asked as his eyes went wide in fake horror. Speak of the devil.

Both Taehyung and Kira froze, whipping their head to look at him. Kira's cheeks went deep red; incident no: 1. Taehyung didn't seem fazed by it; in fact, he had the audacity to smirk back at the devilishly grinning boy.

"Ah Hyung, at least get into your room if not lock it. Kitchen table is too sacred."

"I could name three instances where you went unholy on this table." Taehyung snapped back. TMI, Kira thought.

"You have a point." Jungkook agreed and proceeded to walk to the front door. "I'll leave you two to it. I've got work anyway." Kira could clearly see the deliberate wink sent her way as he shut the door.

This was her chance, before Taehyung could notice; she sprinted out of his grasp as she ran frantically around the room. Taehyung chased her, blocking the front door in quick long strides. Kira cursed under her breath and dashed towards the stairs. Her aim was the huge balcony and she quickly swung open Taehyung's room.

She halted in front of the glass door of the balcony and wrenched at the doorknob. It wouldn't open. She tried again, failing miserably and she turned back, making a bee line to the exit. There was a loud bang as the door shut close with a panting Taehyung standing protectively in front of it.

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