Fourth Date

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"Come in

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"Come in." Greeted Jungkook smiling at her.

"Jungkook, you spilled the milk away, didn't you?" Taehyung scowled, holding up an empty milk carton.

"I swear the cat did it." Said Jungkook innocently.

"Oh really? Since when do we have a cat?"

Jungkook smiled sheepishly.

Taehyung noticed a giggling Kira and smiled at her. He enveloped her in a warm hug which startled her. 'Oh. I guess we're hugging now', Kira thought. She was awkward at first but eventually gave into it. He was a lot taller than her which made it easier for him to cover her as whole.

He smiled warmly at her yet again and led her up to the kitchen. It was almost as if he had different faces. One when he's being a jerk, one at office, one when he's serious and a completely different one on dates.

"What are we making today?" Kira enquired.

Jungkook and Taehyung enlist a huge entre of dishes, half of which Kira hadn't even heard of. "I am not that big on cooking but I have a feeling we're going to mess it all up."

"Shhh be positive." He said and confidently started taking out ingredients. Soon, Jungkook and Kira were busy cutting vegetables while Taehyung lavishly walked around searching for 'pretty utensils' to put them in.

"You're not exactly helping." Jungkook complained, looking at Taehyung.

"Of course I am! You need dressing to make the dish look good." He took out a porcelain squirrel out of nowhere and placed it on the table. "This one would go perfectly with the sauce." He nodded solemnly and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Jungkook and Kira were working diligently. They bantered and laughed and made Taehyung fetch stuff for them. Jungkook's smile was adorable and Kira couldn't help but to smile back at him.

A few minutes later, Taehyung whispered something into Jungkook's ear and smiled sheepishly. "You have to be kidding me. You've been living in this place for almost five years and you don't know where the oven is?"

Taehyung shushed him and said "Of course I do! I just didn't know which one was the microwave."


One hour later, the whole kitchen was a mess. Burnt smell of food filled the air and it looked like the after-effect of a massacre. Kira's top was littered with flour because Taehyung thought it was 'fun' to play with it. Jungkook stretched his arms tiredly, throwing the apron away. Taehyung had a lightly bruised eye from having too much 'fun': a little present from Kira.

"So.... Pizza?" Asked Jungkook, taking up his phone. They all nodded in answer.

Just then, someone rang the doorbell. Taehyung went to get it and Kira could hear a series of bro-greetings. She felt like she knew that voice all too much. She was indeed right.

There, with his arms on Taehyung stood her very own cousin: Park Jimin.

"Jiminie?! What are you doing here?" She asked bewildered.

"Minnie?! I should be asking that to you." He raised an eyebrow.

"I guess that means you two know each other? That makes my job much easier." Taehyung nodded.

"She's my cousin." Jimin rolled his eyes. "You even thought she was cute in one of the previous pictures."

Both Taehyung and Kira blushed at that.

"But you also said that she would never be your type and-" Jimin continued.

"Okay big bro, let me stop you right there." Taehyung interceded. 

"Wait a minute." Jimin paused. Kira could almost hear everything clicking into places in his head. "You guys are not together, are you?!"

"No." Said Kira while Taehyung said "Hell yeah." simultaneously.

Kira glared at Taehyung. "We're not dating. We work together."

"But right now, we're on a date. Fourth date." Taehyung smiled goofily. 

'Not helping.' Kira thought.

Jimin had that protective-older brother look on his face. He gave one glace at Taehyung and he went silent. It looked like Taehyung has seen his angry side too. It still came as a surprise to people how the cute fluffy Jimin had a side people dreaded to see.

"I need to have a word with both of you. Separately." He said eyeing them both. Kira gulped visibly. "You first." He pointed at Kira.

Jimin and Kira had been standing outside for a few minutes and the silence was scaring her even more. Kira was scared of Jimin more than her own father when he was angry.

"I hope you know what you're doing." He said finally.

"I do." Kira nodded.

 'Do you?' her mind questioned her. She tried not to think about that.

"Look, Taehyung is one of the closest friends I've ever had and believe me, I love him. But he's not exactly the one you go on a date with."

"You're not the first person to say this." Kira smiled.

"He is a playboy; he does not care about what others feels. If he ever hurts you-" Jimin trailed off.

"If he ever even thinks of trying to hurt me, I can already formulate 100 different ways to make sure he loses a limb." Kira smiled.

"I believe you." Jimin chuckled. "Just be cautious. Alright?"

Kira nodded. "I appreciate your big brotherliness, brother." She giggled.

"Oh shut up." He said, hugging her. They both went inside and Jimin called Taehyung out.

They were both silent for a few minutes, again.

"You know I've had near-death experiences before, I was never afraid of that. But right now, I feel as if you're going to execute me and that scares me a little." Taehyung mumbled.

"As it should." Jimin replied sternly. "What business do you have with her? Leave her out of your games or I'll literally kill you."

"Whoa, calm down there, buddy." Taehyung started, jokingly punching Jimin's shoulder. Jimin looked at his shoulder and then again at Taehyung, his gaze getting sterner. Taehyung flinched a little.

"I am not playing games with her. That was my plan initially...." Another glare from Jimin. "BUT- I genuinely like her now. You can ask Kookie. I swear." He finished.

Jimin's glare softened a little. "I see. If you ever hurt her..."

"I won't. She'd hurt me way before anyway." Taehyung said, pointing at his darkening bruise.

"Good." Jimin chuckled.

Inside, a lightly nervous Kira and Jungkook sat on opposite couches.

"We're watching a horror movie!" Jungkook said excitedly. Meanwhile, Kira desperately tried to find a way to escape.

A/N: If you thought this was fluffy, oh boy, wait for the next one. 

Did you have a good day? Because I genuinely hope you did!

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