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Kira stuffed her face with food and glared at a smirking Taehyung

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Kira stuffed her face with food and glared at a smirking Taehyung. He couldn't seem to wipe the mischievous grin off of his face ever since she told him about the.... er, accident.

He had been winking and imitating getting arrested, all the while saying "Ooh Kinky!"

He looked at her now, chuckling at her fuming face. "I never took you or Hoseok to be on the naughty list, you know. In fact-mngh" He stopped abruptly as Kira shoved a mouthful of steamed meat down his throat. When he tried teasing again, Kira threatened to pour a glass of icy water at him and that shut him up for the rest of dinner.

Fairy lights of red and green adorned the trees of the snowy hill, enhancing the Christmas-y vibe. They walked again, holding ice creams. Cold never bothered them from having that heavenly dessert. As they talked and laughed, Kira noticed a few things she never gave attention to before. Like how his eyes turned into crescents when he smiled or how he had a tiny beauty mark on his nose. 

Snow was falling like a shower of tiny feathers and some stuck onto their hair. The long line of ski-lift, moving like ants in the air caught Kira's attention. She looked at it wistfully but decided against riding it because of his fear.

She felt his hand tugging on her sleeve as he pulled her towards the small line of people, waiting to ride it. Taehyung chuckled at her gaping face and said "You were practically drooling at it. Besides, it looks too romantic not to try." At that, Kira's cheeks flushed red and she kept her eyes on the moving chairs.

They sat comfortably on the chairs and she held her bare hand out to him. He smiled at the gesture and took it, his hands being warm despite the cold weather. Kira felt his body heat comforting and scooted closer to him.

As the chairs moved along the rope-way, Kira could feel his hand tightening around hers. He took long deep breaths, just as she had suggested him the last time. It was worth it. The lit up snowy hills looked much more aesthetic from above. Oohs and aahs filled the air and Kira couldn't help but let out a gasp at the magnificent sight.


"Hmm?" She looked at him, tearing her eyes away from the white around.

He was looking right at her, his eyes looking deep into her own as if searching for something. Kira was suddenly aware of how close they were sitting; their hands tightly intertwined and their bodies huddling together for warmth. Their faces were just a few inches apart.

"I am going to regret it if I don't do this now." He whispered, his hot breath fanning her cold cheeks. A small part of her screamed in alarm, panicking about the consequences but they seemed to be contradicting themselves.

His eyes trailed down to her lips and instinctively, she closed her eyes. His lips met hers and everything around glimmered out of existence. The kiss was tender; delicate like the falling snow around them. The small hint of strawberry flavour still lingered on his lips. She felt his warm hand pressed lightly against her cheek and she melted away into the moment.

When he pulled away, his cheeks were flushed, a big goofy grin playing on his lips. Kira looked away, not able to withstand the rush of blood in her body. The chair soared quietly for the rest of the time.


"Watch out!" Kira yelled as she aimed a huge snowball at the clueless Taehyung.

"You're so gonna pay." He replied back, fisting a lump of snow in his large hands.

Kira ran as fast as her small legs would take her but his strides were longer. He appeared in front of her and assaulted her face with the snowball. Kira felt a little snow go into her mouth and groaned in agony.

They'd been throwing snowballs back and forth, playfully laughing like kids for an alarmingly long time.

 "I admit defeat. You win." He said and Kira folded her arms in triumph.

 Little did she know that a massive snowball was coming at her again, catching her off-guard.

Kira didn't realise how but they seemed to be walking hand-in-hand back to the resort. She had completely forgotten about Jungkook and her friends. Her guilt was soon wiped away when she saw the laughing trio. Jin took notice of the couple and eyed them suspiciously. Kira consciously pulled her hands away from Taehyung, naturally acting as if nothing ever happened.

When Jungkook and Taehyung left for their room, Kira noticed the latter's eyes lingering longer on her than usual. This is it, Minjee, She thought. You're completely screwed. 

A/N: Dun Dun Duuuun! 

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