Third Date

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After having an argument over a horror movie and an action movie, they settled for a light-hearted comedy

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After having an argument over a horror movie and an action movie, they settled for a light-hearted comedy. That way, they both win.

The theater was filled with the pleasant aroma of pop-corn. The lights dimmed and the noise in the theater calmed down. Taehyung reached over to her to get some pop-corn.

"You have your own." Kira pointed out.

"But they're of a different flavor." He smirked. Kira sighed and decided to let it slip.

The guy to her left might be annoying but the guy to her right was even more annoying. He kept on hogging the shared armrest. A while later, he started to lean onto her side. Kira wanted to punch him in the face but decided against it because she didn't want to make a scene.

The movie was quiet good. Taehyung laughed at a joke and looked over at Kira who was engrossed in the movie. He noticed how there were crinkles by her eyes whenever she laughed. He smiled to himself and turned back to the movie before he got caught staring at her like an idiot.

The guy to her right fell asleep. How he slept through a comedy was a mystery to her. He kept dozing off to her side and reflexively she leaned onto Taehyung. His shoulder seemed to stiffen at her sudden contact but it soon relaxed. Kira knew that this was awkward but she'd rather lean on to him than have a stranger lean onto her. Slowly, she could feel him shift closer to her and she watched the movie in comfort.

"No no, the sidekick was dumber. In fact, he resembled a lot like you." Kira giggled.

"If I am dumber, you're dumb, Minjee." Taehyung said proudly.

"Was that supposed to be a comeback?"

Taehyung punched her arm playfully.

"You can call me Kira." She said suddenly.

"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That's what my friends and family call me." For some reason, she felt a lot comfortable with him when he wasn't talking work.

"I see, Kira. Why Kira though?"

"My father really likes that name. He says it means farsighted. For some reason, it wasn't my official name. So, he decided to make that my nickname."

"I like Minjee more." He winked. "Are you sure you're not hiding a death note under that coat?"

Kira was used to that joke by now; anyone who heard her name automatically joked about it. "If I did, I wouldn't be this subtle about it." She retorted. Taehyung laughed and they both went quiet for a while.

"Minjee, have you ever been in love?" She could see genuine curiosity on his face. She contemplated for a while on how to say it.

"Once. We had to go separate ways because we wanted different things in life. He's still a good friend to me and we're both happy." Kira smiled. If there was even a tint of sadness in her voice; it was almost unnoticeable.

"I see." He mused. "Was that guy Namjoon by any chance?"

Kira was surprised. She was sure that she didn't mention his name. He caught her expression and added "Namjoon hyung, Jungkook and I used to go on trips; that's how I know him. Four years ago, I remember he mentioned your name. It struck me when I heard the name Kira. Also I saw him at your apartment and I figured..."

'Mentioned your name' was an understatement. Taehyung remembered that night clearly.

It was their first ever trip; Jungkook and Namjoon had gotten drunk. For some reason, Taehyung had miraculously ended up being the sober designated driver.

Namjoon had almost called up 'Kira' to tell her that he missed her. He had been sobbing, claiming that he wanted to quit studies to go back to her. Taehyung could feel the hurt Namjoon was going through. 'If he's hurting so much, it must have been that pure.' He remembered thinking.

He got lost in thoughts, almost missing out when Kira asked "What about you? Has the 'heartthrob of business world' ever been in love?"

Taehyung seemed a little hesitant. "Once." He replied. "It was long ago. I was too young to understand how twisted the world was. I really loved her but she was cheating on me. In fact, she was dating me so that she could get money to be with her boyfriend. Funny, isn't it? I never actually believed in love after that." He finished. To her surprise, he was laughing.

Somewhere deep inside, Kira felt bad for him. The woman who left him had little idea how she had fueled the fire in spoiling a lonely young boy. They walked in silence to a restaurant.


"If I can marry this, I would." Taehyung said, slurping his spicy noodles.

Kira pretend to gasp in shock. "You'd be cheating on that bulgogi, then."

"Shhh, she might hear you!" Taehyung chuckled.

"Is it alright if we walk back home? It'd be good to digest all these food." Kira suggested.

Taehyung nodded and made a call to get someone else to pick up the car. They walked side-by-side, fitting freely into the walkway. Taehyung told her about his past and how he'd lived most of his life with his grandmother.

"My parents were always busy with business and grandma took care of me most of the time. I haven't talked to her much after I moved in here. I barely get time to meet her." Taehyung partially lied. Even when he did have time, he was somehow ashamed to show this version of himself to his grandmother. Of all the people he could put a mask against, his grandmother was the one he couldn't bear to lie to.

"That must have been fun. It's one thing to be with your parents but grandparents always shower you with more love." She smiled, thinking about her own.

"Mhmm. She tried everything in her power to make me chubby, my body just wouldn't comply." He chuckled.

They entered a dimly lit, narrow alleyway. It was the fastest way to reach home and it had the advantage of being less crowded.

A seemingly harmless man crossed by them and suddenly pulled Kira to his arms, abruptly putting a knife against her throat.

A/N: Double Update! I won't be posting for at least a week because of exams but I didn't want to miss a regular update either, so here we are.

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