First Date

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Things were finally getting back to normal. Her company was stable. Kira got better sleep compared to her two hour naps. Jin, Hoseok and Kira finally stopped looking like they were hit by a truck. Yoongi started his job a week ago and he made a pretty good first impression.

Kira's phone rang and the id read 'Kim Taehyung.' 

Oh god, she'd been so busy with work, she'd almost forgotten about him. She picked up the phone.


"For what? Kira asked bewilderedly.

"For still being employed." He said happily. Kira sighed. "I hope you haven't forgotten your part of the deal."

"I haven't." Kira said slowly.

"Good. Tomorrow, at eight, I'll meet you at the Grand Plaza. Don't ditch me." He joked.

"Alright." Kira said and hung up.


Kira was in no mood to dress up. Grand Plaza was the kind of place that only the richest of the rich went. The maximum she could do was wear a skirt, a plain top and a simple jacket.

She reached the place at sharp eight and waited for him to arrive. The restaurant was calm. Most of the visitors there were business sharks and occasionally tourists. She'd been sitting there for almost ten minutes. And obviously enough, random thoughts started crossing her mind.

'What if he ditches me?' 'Maybe this is his way of taking revenge. But if he really wanted to take revenge on me, I doubt I'll be sitting here with my head still intact.' 'Why did he ask for a date of all things?' 'Is he trying to be dramatic?' 'He's going to embarrass me. That's probably it.' 'What if he's an alien dressed as a human?' 'Nope, he's definitely criminal who escaped from the future and travelled to the past.'

Slowly, as her thoughts started to get a little too crazy, she heard someone clear their throat. Taehyung was standing beside the table.

He would have been the guy who almost took over her company but his beauty was no joke. It took her a moment to register that he was actually there. By the time she did, he'd settled down opposite to her and smiled. If it weren't for her stubbornness and wit, she would have fallen for him instantly. That's how he does it, she thought. That's how he gets what he wants. It's a face no one can resist.

"Have you been here for long?"

"Not much."

"How have you been?"

"Good. You?"

"Never better." He replied.

Oh god, Kira thought. This is an awkward start. She was not a socialiser, she knew that but this conversation was pointless. 'Say something! Say anything.' She thought but her 'social' self kept quiet.

Thankfully, a waiter came by and took up their orders.

Taehyung looked at her and smiled. There it goes again, she thought. That damned ethereal smile.

"What's your favourite movie?" She blurted out. It wasn't an intellectual thought provoking question but it was something.

"Hmm. I don't exactly have a favourite but I am huge fan of horrors." He said. "What about you?"

"Action, Fantasy and Fiction. Ooh and Superhero too." She said, enthusiastically. When it came to movies, she was an absolute nerd. Ask her any character from Star wars, and she can bring out their full life history in a second.

"Action, huh? That's probably why you were so happy to knock down my bodyguard. I must say, you were pretty badass. Caught me off guard completely. "

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