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"Ooh! Horrors are the best

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"Ooh! Horrors are the best." Said an enthusiastic Taehyung.

"Can't we watch something else?" tried Kira.

"Why? Are you scared?" Taehyung smirked, plopping next to her on the couch.

"Yeah, right. Like I would be scared." Retorted Kira. She desperately tried hiding the uneasiness in her voice.

Kira absolutely hated horror movies, on an embarrassing note, she was terrified of it. It probably had something to do with Jin and Hoseok in an ugly ghost mask, scarring her for the rest of her life on a certain midnight. Put this woman in a cage-fight, she'll win it easily; put her up for a horror movie and she won't sleep for weeks.

They switched the lights off and the huge TV screen started playing the movie. Like all horror movies, it started out with dark, silent music and lead up to some horrible back-story of the upcoming demon. The whole room was silent except for Kira's uneven heartbeat. She pulled her blanket closer and snuggled closer to the person sitting next to her. Taehyung was sitting wide-mouthed, expecting a jump-scare. Right then, the doorbell rang and all four scrambled to their feet in reflex.

Thankfully, Kira controlled her scream and sat as if that did not affect her at all when in reality, her heart went through a mini cardiac arrest. "It's the pizza guy." Jungkook said, bravely walking back inside with large boxes.

'Food. Yes. That ought to work.' Kira thought and her hungry stomach approved. She gave all her attention to the food and listened as Jungkook giggled at a ghost. Occasionally Jimin would yell or jump on his couch but he was completely invested in the movie. She looked at her watch. 'Crap. It's only been twenty minutes. The movie is probably going to last for another one-and-a-half hours.'

Taehyung was silently noticing Kira. He knew something was off, she was acting unusually timid. He decided to speak against it and turned his attention back to the movie.

Meanwhile, Kira gathered her courage and forced herself to watch it, hiding under the protection of the blanket. 'The music went fainter and darkness crept through the scene as a character woke up in the middle of the night when they heard a sound.' Why are all protagonists dumb in a horror movie? 'Baam! Jump scare! A grotesque figured approached the lady and....'

Kira yelped softly and hid herself from the movie, burying herself on the crook of his neck. A little shiver went through her spine and she stayed there, clutching on to his t-shirt. How embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung whispered into her ears; he seemed to be frozen on the couch. Kira shook her head. "I don't like Scary movies."

Taehyung bit his tongue from commenting on it. He would have teased her about it on normal occasions but he just couldn't, especially when she was acting like a scared puppy. There was a scream from the movie, followed one by Jimin, and Kira whimpered, her voice muffled by his cloth.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not real, it's just a movie. Nothing is going to hurt you." He tried to soothe her. Kira nodded but her head was firmly buried on his shoulders. Taehyung chuckled softly and snuggled closer to her and she leaned on him comfortably.

Taehyung didn't know how long he sat there, watching as she slept peacefully in his arms. He noticed how she breathed rhythmically, falling into pace of his own. He noticed small details like how she scrunched up her nose or smiled softly in her sleep. He felt himself smiling along with her. He was sure he probably looked like a creep now but he couldn't care less. Unconsciously, he leaned in and softly pressed his lips against her forehead.

Jimin was on the floor, snoring peacefully. 'Brave cousins who pass out watching a horror movie.' Taehyung smiled to himself. The scenes on the movie were getting creepier and Jungkook kept laughing at their silliness. One of his laughs almost woke up Kira and she stirred in her sleep.

"Shhh" Taehyung pressed a finger to his lips, indicating Jungkook to shut up. "Shhh shhh" he whispered again and slowly caressed her head as if handling an infant. When he made sure that she was sleeping again, he relaxed, looking over at Jungkook. He had been observing them and a slow smile played on his lips. "Cute." He mouthed, showing a thumbs-up and a wink. Taehyung's face heated up and he struggled to smile back.


"Tae... Taehyung....wake up." Kira whispered. She had woken up at about 1:00 in the morning to find herself snuggled up with him. She had blushed furiously thinking about it. It got her thinking about the effect he had on her and she was furious with herself even more. His hands were tightly wrapped around her and she had been leaning onto him the whole night.

Taehyung merely stirred in his sleep and proceeded to hug her tighter.

"Taehyung... please... wake up..." She lightly poked him.

"Hmm?" He asked her sleepily.

"I need to borrow your car." Kira whispered.

"Why?" he mumbled.

"Because I need to go home."

"Now? Can't you stay the night?" he pouted.

Kira shook her head. "I promised Hobi I'd be there in the morning. He wanted to go somewhere."

He yawned. "I'll drop you home."

"No. No it's fine..." Kira started.

"Shhh..." he said, pressing his index finger to her mouth. "I want to drop you home."

"Fine." Sighed Kira and they both crept out of the house, careful not to wake the others up.

The car ride back home was silent. There was a sort of unsaid aura in the air and Kira felt awkward. She didn't know what to think of him anymore. The car came to a halt next to her building.

"Good night." She said, looking over at him.

"Night." He whispered silently.

They were both staring at each other, unable to judge the air. Slowly, as if being pulled by a magnet Taehyung leaned in. At this point, she didn't even care, she started leaning in too. They were inches apart, both breathing quickly, heart beating fast. Seconds before their lips could meet, Taehyung's phone rang on high volume.

Kira snapped back in surprise, almost hitting her head on the roof. Taehyung accidentally hit his hand on the wheel which set of the horn. He scurried to find his phone, muttering a series of curses under his breath. He finally got hold of his phone and a deep frown crept onto his face.

He looked apologetically at Kira and cut the call. "J-Jungkook." He lied. "He is probably looking for me."

Kira nodded in response and got out of the car. She quickly waved at him and ran into the apartment building, desperately trying to hide her face. She heard the engine drift away and stopped by the elevator, catching her breath.

'I was just about to kiss him; A proper one.' She thought. She giggled to herself, thinking about how clichéd the whole scene was and how she was acting like a sixteen year old.

'It wouldn't have been that bad.' Was all she could think.  

A/N: I warned you, FLUFF ATTACK. I myself am scared of horror movies. I don't like them but I end up watching anyway and stay sleepless for days. 🙄

So, how are all my lovelies doing? 

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