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"Ah hyung, you're wearing the special perfume again

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"Ah hyung, you're wearing the special perfume again. I assume it's a date?" Jungkook studied Taehyung.

"That's right." Taehyung winked.

"Might I ask who that unfortunately lucky lady is? Or is it a Gentleman."

"You sound unusually poetic today." Taehyung chuckled. "To answer your question, it's a lady. You have even met her."

"May the lord have mercy on her soul." Jungkook smirked. "It's probably one of the hotties from that beach party."

"Nope. Let me make it easier for you. It's Park Minjee."

Jungkook pondered over the name. "Ah yes! The smart one, she was pretty cute too. I remember."

Taehyung laughed at his remark.

"Didn't you already go out with her once?"

"I did. This is my third date with her." Taehyung said, plopping on the couch opposite to Jungkook.

Jungkook went silent. His expression was a mix of confusion and a little bit of worry. Taehyung understood why. Usually, when he wanted revenge, all it took for him was one night. Most of his revenges involved sleeping with the partner of those who got to his bad side. With women, he barely even had to do anything. He was like a pied piper who charmed whoever he pleased.

"It's different." Taehyung started. "Unlike others, she is always on guard. We might have underestimated her a little too much. On our first date, I lost control and on our second, I uh slacked."

"That doesn't exactly sound like you." Jungkook observed. He could feel a sort of tension build up in the air and he decided to cut it off with a joke. "Maybe you're getting old, hyung. Maybe I should try from now on."

Taehyung threw a cushion at him. Jungkook took a bottle of bourbon and filled two glasses, handing one to Taehyung. He hesitated; he looked at the glass and slowly shook his head.

"I am good. Thanks."

"What do you mean? You always have a drink before you go out. And now that I think about it, you haven't touched a glass in almost a week." Jungkook noticed.

"It's time I stop drinking before it's too late." Taehyung lied. "Besides, it actually helps me think more clearly. I need to start worrying about my health. Like you said, I am starting to get old." He laughed.

Jungkook laughed along with him but suspicion was clear on his face. He knew something was off, that Taehyung was unconsciously hiding something from him but he decided not to dwell too deep on it. He believed that everything Taehyung did had a purpose and this time, he was a little reluctant to reveal it. He didn't think much about it.

"You're going out in that?" Jungkook asked pointing at the long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans.

"Yup. She's a little weird when it comes to that. She likes casual much more than fancy." Taehyung chuckled to himself.

Something is really special about this woman, Jungkook thought. After all, she managed to get Taehyung out of his favourite suit.


"I am on fire!" Kira yelled, aggressively jabbing the controllers.

"That's only because I haven't played it in a week." Hoseok replied, not taking his eyes off of the screen.

"Wasn't that the same thing you said yesterday?" Kira teased. He probably made a face at her but she was too busy killing tiny people on the screen.

"Hey guys, how do you fire again? I haven't played this in years." Namjoon stared at the controller in his hand, clueless.

"What ever you do, do NOT break my controller or I'll literally kill you." Jin said, intensely following the game, completely ignoring the book in his hand.

"Aha! You owe me a free pizza now." Kira exclaimed triumphantly.

"Well, make sure there's no poison in it." Hoseok said bitterly.

"Prepare to give it to me because I am going to beat you in the next round." Jin said, demanding the controller from Namjoon.

"I would love to see you lose, but I don't have the time." Kira said. She quickly changed her sweatpants and slid into a more casual outfit. That's the maximum she was willing to dress up for a date.

Namjoon seemed to notice it and enquired if she was going somewhere.

"She has a hot date." Jin smirked, getting completely annihilated by Hoseok in the game.

"Shut up, Jin." Kira rolled her eyes.

Namjoon looked up at her questioningly. "A date? Huh, what date? With whom?"

"You might know him. Kim Taehyung." Kira said simply.

"Oh you're really going out on a date. Okay, cool. That's awesome, I guess." Namjoon seemed to be making no sense; he was preoccupied with his own thoughts. Kira raised an eyebrow at him.

"I mean- wait, did you just say Kim Taehyung? The head of Saengmyeong, Taehyung."

"Yup, that's the one."

"You have to kidding me. Why would you go out with him out of all people? He's not even your type." Namjoon said. His expression was unreadable.

Before she could reply anything, they were distracted by a doorbell. She opened the door to find a smiling Taehyung. "Ready?" He asked.

"You could have just called me; you didn't have to come to up." Kira said.

"Oh, Namjoon hyung?" Taehyung asked, surprised.

Kira was quiet taken aback to find Namjoon standing right behind her.

"Hey man, how are you?" Namjoon pushed past her to engage in a 'Man hug' with Taehyung.The friendliness in Namjoon's eyes told her that he knew him well.

"Long time, bro!" Taehyung smiled.

"I am not fond of interrupting the bromance here, but we're already late for the movies." Kira said. 

"I'll talk to you after you get back." Namjoon smiled at her and waved goodbye to Taehyung. Kira felt a little weird at that statement but she shrugged it off.

A/N: DON'T LEAVE ME IS A BOP. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.  

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