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How much awkward is too awkward?

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How much awkward is too awkward?

Kira found herself thinking about it each time she saw Taehyung. It had been a few days since the wedding and they barely talked for an hour in total; most of which had been for work and the rest for small talk. She'd go to his office to get files and he'd get all squirmy and weird around her. He could barely form a coherent sentence when she asked him if he wanted to grab lunch with the guys.

All of this was working well with Kira's basement-low self esteem, and just when she thought it couldn't hit rock-bottom, life surprised the heck out of her. But no matter what, she was adamant about one thing: she won't mention it at all until he dares to bring it up himself. Kira had desperately thought that forgetting would erase the whole situation out of existence but no, reality didn't just work that way.

He wasn't making it any easier on her by dashing into the closest room each time she crossed him in the common hallway. Not only was she embarrassed and guilty, she was starting to get a little angry. She wasn't asking him to say it back, she didn't expect him to do so because she rushed it like an idiot; she was pissed that he wouldn't even acknowledge that the incident had ever happened.

"Had a bad night?" Kira asked raising her eyebrow as she entered his office. He was hogging a huge mug of tea and his table was a huge mess which was very unlike him.

He almost choked on his drink as he put a hand on his chest in surprise. By this point, Kira was starting to wonder if he was faking it. It's that, or she really looked like a grotesque monster. "Jeez, you scared me."

Kira didn't bother replying and simply kept the file on the table, waiting for another set. He seemed to completely forget what he was doing as he stared at her. He stared at her with big doe eyes as if comprehending a lot of things at once. It was kinda cute at first until it got really creepy.

"What's wrong?" 

Before he could say anything a smiling figure appeared at the door yelling "Minnie!"

Despite being the one facing the door, Taehyung flinched while Kira just narrowed her eyes at him.

"Jimin, I thought we were supposed to meet tomorrow night. What are you doing in my office?"

Jimin pouted, acting all cute. "Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Seeing that Kira didn't find it amusing, he quickly spoke again. "Relax you work-freak, I am here to have lunch with Taehyung."

"That's great! Please keep him with you till dinner too. I would really like to work without sending him falling off of the chair each time I submit a file report." She seethed. Dammit. She was keeping her cool so well, she was angry at herself for losing it.

Taehyung hung his head low in defeat and Jimin stared at her in confusion. She ruffled her cousin's hair and rushed out of the room.


"Trouble in paradise?" Asked Jimin, chucking a piece of tomato in his mouth.

Taehyung groaned and clutched his hair in frustration. "It's a mess, I am a mess, and I messed it up bad. Screw it, I fucked up big time."

"Okay Mr. Sunshine, calm down and tell me what happened."

Taehyung narrated the whole event miserably, not even glancing at his food which just made the talk a whole lot more  emotional.

"Wait wait, M is not on good terms with you?" Jimin interrupted in between.

"He is now. But I got pretty close to pissing him off big time. He even came to my house, he... he saw Minjee with me. I couldn't risk getting him angry after that."

Jimin's face was filled with concern, his adorable attitude flying off of the window. He was very much aware of the risk that Taehyung meant and he wasn't sure he wanted his sister anywhere near that.

Taehyung continued on with the event and let out a frustrated grunt in the end.

"Minnie confessed. She confessed first." Said Jimin in disbelief. He knew exactly how far she had gone with her 'hating love' phase. It came as a shock to him that she not only fell for someone but was confident enough to admit it.

"I didn't say anything. I said nothing and I ran away from there, I haven't even talked to her after that. She's going to hate me." Taehyung concluded.

"No." Jimin interceded. "She's going to hate herself. She's going to think that she pushed you too far and that it's all her fault."

Taehyung felt a painful pang in his chest. Hating herself was far worse than hating him. He was completely drowning in guilt and misery.

"Oh no, Jimin. That's just worse. I fucked up. How do I fix this?"

"Do you like her?" Jimin asked solemnly.

"I love her." Taehyung replied adamantly. He knew that very well. He could say it so easily, but his tongue seemed to turn into sandpaper when he saw her.

"Then tell her." Jimin said, stating the obvious.

"I am admittedly a little scared. I haven't gotten into a serious relationship since that first time; I don't know how I am going to treat her. What if I end up hurting her? What if I end up hurting myself?"

Jimin sighed in exasperation. "You really think it's easy on her? Do you know how serious her last relationship was? She is probably out there more scared than you about this but her brave heart just won't let her stand down. If you love her, tell her. Don't keep her waiting, don't play her. Believe me; it's probably going to help you more if you let it off of your chest."

Taehyung listened intently. He knew Jimin had a point and he was angry at himself for being an absolute coward. This was what he wanted, a good pep talk to strengthen his weak heart. He nodded; his eyes more stern with resolution.

"But on the other hand. It might be for the best that you don't do it." Jimin spoke softly. Confusion clouded Taehyung's face. "I want her to stay away from danger. She doesn't deserve it."

On any other occasion, this would have completely disheartened him but toady just wasn't the day. He might look selfish but he wanted this just as much as her and he was willing to do anything for it.

He studied Jimin's rigid posture and focused on his clenched fist. "I know you're worried and I would be lying if I said I am entirely fearless. But Jimin, I want this. And I'll protect her from anything that might cause her harm. I'll keep her out of this."

The reassurance in his eyes was what Jimin was looking for. He knew that Taehyung was determined, if he set his mind to it, he could do just about anything. And the confidence he gave Jimin was vastly different from the Taehyung two minutes ago. He had already set his mind and Jimin knew that there was no going back. And so, he nodded, taking the message clearly.

For the first time in days, Taehyung felt more energised and the fear that held him back vanished.

A/N: My laptop out for repair and it feels weird updating through a phone. Hopefully, I'll get it back soon so that I can start writing again. Peace!

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