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"Are you sure want me  to go with you?" Kira asked hesitantly

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"Are you sure want me to go with you?" Kira asked hesitantly. Her fingers fiddled with the soft silk of her elegant dress.

"Of course. Why do you ask?" His voice seemed somehow smoother that night.

"From what you just said, this sounds incredibly important. I'm not sure charm speaking is one of my abilities. Wouldn't Jungkook be better at this?"

"You've got to be kidding me. Aren't you the one who sways all the clients with your presentations?"

"But that's different." Kira argued timidly. "Out there, I'm not a girlfriend conspiring to promote a sales pitch."

He chuckled out loud. "You make it sound like some sort of murder plan when you put it like that."

Gong Wook was the head of one of the most prestigious companies in Asia. Being invited to his close-circle parties was overwhelming in itself. Despite that, Taehyung had told her about an ulterior motive. He was planning to subtly sneak in an offer worth million. This was the perfect moment to get an opening; he had explained.

"In there, I don't have to pretend. I'm just being me. But this..."

"So, do that. Be you. I don't want you panicking about an outcome. I want the real Minjee who is just enjoying herself. Okay?"

Kira nodded meekly.

"Besides, I'll be there right next to you." He said, taking her hand in his. "And I know damn well how much better we are together."

The corners of her lips tugged upwards in affirmation. "I wish Jungkook was here. He charms people without even trying."

"I know." Taehyung smiled wearily. "He has something more tedious to do. I hope he's alright." He said the last part mostly to himself as if trying to ease his own mind.


Kira's eyes wandered inspecting the lush décor of the house. Each corner of the mansion was colour coordinated to the point. The guests took turns talking to the host and they had eventually gotten their chance. It went much better than she expected. Her father had described Mr Wook as the humblest being he had met in his entire career; and the middle-aged man fit it perfectly. He politely greeted Kira as Taehyung introduced her. Taehyung was a lot closer to him than he had let on for the man smiled warmly at him; even pulling him in for a light hug.

Taehyung was right, they did work better together. Something about their choice of words, gestures, subtle points and effective persuasion had an unsaid synchronisation to it. A perfect balance. Every sentence they enunciated seemed to go harmoniously; supporting each other. Kira was always better off working alone but something about this certain combination; it might be the similar tinge they shared while exhibiting speech or the confidence which helped them coordinate; whatever it was, it had a unique way of presenting themselves and their ideas as exquisite.

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