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Kira ended up waking even before her alarm

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Kira ended up waking even before her alarm. Her eyes automatically wandered to the other bed and she sucked her breath at the sight of his peaceful face. He looked calm and innocent, hugging a pillow close to his body like a teddy bear.

She couldn't help but feel guilty about the night before; it was not like he knew she was organisational-freak with panic attacks. She kept her thoughts aside; she had bigger things to worry about now: the presentation. She quietly got up and decided to get herself ready before he woke up.

One of the most important things business had taught her was dressing to impress. A well dressed person gave the best first impression and she knew by experience for it to be true.

The few hours they spent together before the presentation had been awkward, at least for her. He would smile at her from time and time and her heart would melt each time with guilt. Apologising was not one of her strongest fortes. She had no idea how people made up so easily after a fight. It took her a long time to even calm down, admitting and being brave enough to apologise was another story. When she had finally felt like talking to him, the officials had entered the conference hall, altering her train of thoughts.

The next few hours flew past in a blur. Once the room went silent in anticipation, words had rolled off of their tongue smoothly. They started off with introducing the project plan and later on to its benefits.

She couldn't help but notice how well they coordinated together, speaking as if they were singing a duet. Every once in a while, he'd crack a joke and she would smile as they laughed along to it. That was another important aspect in presentations: keeping the audience on their toes.

She was slowly starting to understand why he was least concerned the other night. He went with the flow like a pro making Kira feel more and more like an idiot for over-reacting but she knew that her instincts worked well only when she was well prepared for it.

The audience's cheerful responses had given them a fair idea on what the outcome would be. They had loved it and had eagerly shook hands, cementing the deal. Relief. It was as if a switch had been turned off, pulling her back from being CEO Park Minjee to just Kira. She raised her hand for a high-five but he simply pulled her into a warm hug instead.

They stood now, staring at two pairs of dresses clutched on either of her hands. The officials were to host a dinner that night and they had invited them in hopes of getting to know them better. Unfortunately for Kira, she hadn't been prepared for it which meant they had to go shopping. She groaned and complained about it while Taehyung on the other hand absolutely enjoyed it.

"The black one. Definitely the black one, go try it." He said, pushing her to a dressing room. She reluctantly tried it on and it was comfortable enough: half sleeved, slim waist sheath dress with minimalistic floral embroidery that extended to her knee.

By the time she came out, he was already content with his selection of clothes for himself and they headed back to the hotel feeling totally spent. It seemed to Kira that ever since they arrived at San Sebastian, they've been constantly tired. She looked at her watch and smiled at how they had four hours before the party. She slumped on her bed and dozed off instantly, sleeplessness from the night before consuming her.

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