#1 The Gang Meeting

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Hey girls or boy this is our first story hope you like it ,we apologize for any spelling mistakes please vote comment and we hope you like it !!! Ps.the entire book will be unedited .

My cheeks and eyes are red and puffy my heart hurts and my hair is a mess.

I glance up at my house again not wanting to go in but I know I have to.

I turn the handle to the front door heading in then the memory comes rushing in Kendrick (MY BROTHER) Debbie who was legally my mom but divorced my dad and was worth shit to me . I hated her, and well my dad ......

"Hey can you me a buy me a beer ? "my dad says ..clearly drunk or buzzed.

"I only get to you a pack of beer once a week " I say annoyed.

I put my keys in my pocket and walk towards my room passing the locked door where my brother once was and I am forbidden to go in untill I am ready for it .

My brothers last words flash through my mind
"It's no your fault you didn't kill me don't take the blame there is money on the conter and you can have my ware house and remember it was not you it w---was d.......?.....?.......?.......? '

My thoughts get interrupted by a loud BEEP,I look down at my phone and see I got a message from Riley my best friend.

(Hey new gang in town meet the leader )

(K, I am coming)
( Go to the warehouse )

(K meet u there )
( Bye:) )


As I head out of my house I see my dad sleeping on the couch."Thank god "I mumble to myself .I get in my car then glance up at my house as I turn it on.

Debbies voice comes into my head "You ass you killed your brother."

How she said it to me,then she left leaving me with my dad that I loved.

I never knew why, but I took the blame.Kendrick told me to not blame myself but it was the only way .I was shopping and when I came back ,he was bleeding out.

"I should probably leave now" I drive away . "My family is messed "up I laugh witch turns to crying .
I drive towards my warehouse .Yes my warehouse my brother gave to me along with 24 k.

I pull up to my warehouse and head in.
As I walk in Xavier and Blake bow to me
Then following I sit down by a huge table where all my gang is sitting around ,Acher hands me a file.

"There name is raptors there a bit weaker then us and we could go to war with them , but there not the threat "

"Then why am I here if they are not a threat "

"Fisty "he smirks

"Just tell me who the f*ck is a problem "

"Their name is the Snake they are probably stronger then us and they reported you because you're a girl "

SHIT I HEARD ABOUT THAT GANG, IT IS STRONGER THAN US and they never let a girl gang leader stay leader for more then 5 months.

I have been a gang leader for a year and I was not going to let that slid and because my brother gave this to me ......this Meeting ." We will train tomorrow you are dismissed " they all left when I heard a noise

I turn around and see the gang leader of Raptors
I eye his dirty blond hair, grey eyes, and his muscler body .I just wanted to kiss him so bad .His pink lips glowing with love and passion .

His hair is dirty blond and messy his skin was tan and you could see his muscles in pop out of his shirt that said "I'm a gang leader ,not a playboy" I almost laugh out loud but I hold it in .
His jeans have rips by the knees and he is wearing a plain black leather jacket .

My thoughts get interrupted by the sexy man I was over obsessed with "Like what you see" he said smirking .

'I LOVE WHAT I SEE ' I think to myself ,he notices that I am blushing and laughs.

"So your the Raptors" I said breaking the awkord silence .

"Yes and you're the Fang hood not much better "he laughs.

"Maybe , maybe not "I say with a scowl on my face causing him to burst out in laughter . After 5 minutes of rolling around , holding his stomach and laughing he finally stops.

"You done "I ask.

"Yes" he says coming and sitting down beside me , we talk for a while .Next thing I know it's 2.00 am.

"You tired "he asks.

"Yess" I yawn sitting down on the couch.We start talking about our families.I tell him about my dad's drinking problem and about Debbie . About how she divorced my dad after Kendrick died ,to live with some rich asshole , no scratch that ,some rich and filthy sico path. And of course about my sweet and caring brother and how he told me it wasn't me that killed him just before he died . "Now it's your turn"I say.

"Well my parents killed themselves when I was eighteen, now I am twenty . My sister was killed by a gang and I have a married brother  and it's just me alone in my house now . "Feeling sorry I pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry" I look him in the eyes . Next thing I know my lips are smashing into his and he pushes me onto the coach . His tongue coils it's way into my mouth, his minty breath leaving me speechless.We kiss until we're out of breath . He leaves trails of soft kisses down my neck and then starts sucking.After he stops sucking he kisses me again . This time I take off his shirt . I watch as he reaches under my shirt and pulls it up over my head.

"Mine " he grins.

For a second I smile but I remember we aren't supposed to be together ." Aren't we against each other ? "I ask .

"Yes but we can still kiss " he smirks .With that he starts kissing me again.

After our lips are swollen we finally stop.
Hey guys so if you're wondering who this we is well it's Helena Hildebrandt this account's owner and Maggie Heide so please follow her/me too.

So I got two questions for you,

1.Will Cora be able to date Aiden or was it a one time thing ?

2.Will Cora do it and quit being gang leader ?

So sorry it was a small chapter but we kinda had to stop it here it will make sense in the next chapter .

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This chapter by Maggie Heide .(Hello)

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