#20 Sprees and ....

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*Aiden's POV *

"Ready? " I look back at the crew as I prepare to head in .

"Ready " I hear as I glance at the building one more time .

"Three .." I tighten my grip on my gun . "Two.. " I steady my pose . " One .."
I send a fiery look at the warehouse . "Go!" I sprint across the yard and break down a door to enter .

The first room is a office with a whole bunch of papers on the desk . "Gather some information " I shout back to some men referring to the papers .

The second room is a huge open room . Completely blank . I glance around the room to see the other exit group has made it to the exact same place . I motion for them to take one door as I open the other door and head in . A lounge is set up , with a long grey corner coach and a shorter one on the opposite wall . A huge flatscreen TV is paused in a scene with two men . Confused I head onto the next room to find a whole room full of files . I motion the the men behind me to look for important files . I lay myself flat against the wall as I look out the door to see if anyone's coming . After a couple minutes of men scavenging through the files u open the next door . I sigh as I see that we are outside again .
"Any important files or papers ? " I ask hoping for something good .

"Nothing but this " I get handed a envelope . I open it and take the paper out . I scim it in almost happiness .

"One last building to bomb up "I grin as I stuff the envelope into my pocket . A door creaks open and I turn around to see the other group .

"Anything ? " I ask .

"Nope , it's all good " Xavier speaks .

"Okay well we found evidence . So we don't have to bomb this place up " I grin as I lead everyone back to our truck .

The men climb in and the truck starts in a jolt . Blake shifts gear and soon we're on our way to a second place .

A place where we might have to use a bomb .

* Cora's POV *

"Hey , I made breakfast" I yawn as I walk into the kitchen to see Debbie holding breakfast out .

"Wow , when did you learn to cook ? " I ask as I grab a stool and sit down .

"I started taking classes two weeks ago " she smiles proud . " It might not be the best "

"No its actually pretty good " I say smiling as I take my second bite . " Not compared to me though " I say trying to hide my gagging .

"Maybe you can help me learn " she leans against the island awkwardly .

"Of course " I grin as I go back to eating . I "grin" . Her food is absolutely terrible.

"Well I'm gonna put a movie on for you and Cole " she takes her dishes , puts them in the sink and walks into the den .

"Thank you " I wave her out . As soon as she's out of sight I take my plate and shove everything on it into the garbage . I make chewing sounds for a couple minutes then head upstairs to get Cole .

"Where's my teeny little baby ?" I put my mom voice on as Cole comes into view. " That's right Coley you're here" I pick him up and start putting on his cute little onsie . It's a onsie that looks like a typical "badboy" . It has a tiny leather jacket along with black jeans and a chain printed on . " Daddy would be so proud of you " I instantly regret saying that because it brings my thoughts back to everything that could go wrong in this spree . Be okay Aiden .

I take my wussy little Cole and head downstairs to watch the movie she's set up for us .

*One hour later *

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