#4 Little future fang raptor ..

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Aiden's POV ***********

When she told me what happened I wanted to kill the guy but she already had.
I mean damm I'm starting to sound like I actually like her or even love her . Impossible !!!! Or is it ?

I think I'm falling in love !

I park by the house and help Cora bring her bags in . "Thanks for letting me stay "she grins .

"Of course "I smile right back .

"So anything left to do before the big fight tomorrow ? "She asks .

"Well of ask you a questin will you say yes ?" I ask pleading .

"Depends ... well okay "she mumbles "cause I'm your girlfriend "

"Well umm.. can we for one gang together and we would be called the Fang raptor gang ?" I plead .

I watch as she twitch her lips debating inside her head . "Okay "she smiles .

"Yes "I shout as I twirl her around in my arms .

I pull her close and inhale her scent . My Cora ."I love you so much "I whisper into her ear cuz I really do .

"Love you too "she smiles giving me a kiss on the lips .

I talk her hand and lead her upstairs to our bedroom . I put her bags and watch as she asks "Are you sleeping with me ? "

"If you want to " I smirk .

"Gladly " she returns the smirk.

Aww how cute !

******Cora's POV **********

"Hey I'm taking a shower want to come?" I ask Aiden later that day .

"I think about it "he says smiling .

I put all my clothes off in his wait our room . I can feel his eyes starring .I walk into the bathroom not getting bothered by his stares at all . Without hesitation I turn the water on . YIKES ! The water's freezing . I fiddle with the switch trying to turn it to hot but I end up getting it even colder . So I decide to roll with it . After a moment of cold bath warm waters strikes me all of a sudden . I look up to see a gorgeous naked Aiden . The water is soo warm and honestly I am too . I pull    his body against mine , he kisses my neck and picks me up to carry to our bed .

Ouch , I wake up the next morning, Ouch damm my legs hurt from last night's bliss .

"Morning, here's your clothes "Aiden hands me my favourite shirt along with skin tight jeggings .

"Thanks "I grin as I take them from his hands .

"You were great last night "he says while watching me dress .

"Stop Aiden I don't want to say thanks all day " I joke .

"You won't have , anyway there's breakfast downstairs " he smiles .

"Great "I kiss him before running downstairs in a flash . By flash I mean walking as fast as I can without breaking my legs . I eat breakfast as fast as possible because today is the battle . Soon after eating Aiden's mom comes in .

"Hi Cora I heard about you " she smiles .

"Well good or bad " I say hoping it's good I mean duh .

"Both " she says her expression not changing at all .

"What? " I manage to squeak out .

"No No " she bursts into laughter "only good ." Now I see where Aiden gets his awesomeness from .

"So how was last night ?" She smirks .

"What? "I ask in the nicest way possible trying not to blush .

"No need to blush " she giggles "I heard you two moaning " I'm sure I am blue now . So flippen embarrassed .

Aiden comes all of a sudden and places his arm around me . "Stop mom you're embarrassing her "

"Did you use protection ? " she asks obsessed with us .

"Mom stop " he raises his voice .

"Fine fine " she puts her hands up in surrender walking out of the room .

"Aiden we didn't use protection " I mumble .

"Don't worry no one gets pregnant the first time" he reassures me .

"Okay but I might get a pregnancy test anyway " I smile .

"Okay "

I get into his truck and leave towards the drugstore . I whistle as I get the tester trying to make it sound like I'm not nervous I mean I can't be not after the first time.

Aiden's POV

She left to get a pregnancy tester .

SHIT what if she is pregnant ? She can't be but if she is its only fair to tell her how this all started .

Of course I love her now but I can't be a father while lying .

At this exact time I pull up to the warehouse . I walk around the warehouse wondering if she'll be pregnant .  Finally I decide to go back and check for myself . Unfortunately she's not home so I don't know for sure .


Tears slowly roll down my face as I look down at the tester one more time. Yep its positive . I'm pregnant !


So what do ya think any way I will be finishing this book by this to work next year. So remind be about that . Aka comments .

So questins

Is she really pregnant ?

Will she tell Aiden ?

How will the war go ?

Thank you for reading .
Vote , comment ..

💙Helena 💙

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