#9 Oh no !

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Aidens POV
I left the room and got our team . "So here's what were going to do and remember we save the big attack for 3 months from now so get ready "

"Yes boss " I hear everyone chant .

"Good now in my basement everyone except for Riley " I order .

"I can stay with Cora right ? " she asks unsure .

"Yes , go for it " I nod.

"Yes " she silently squealed .

"Hurry now before she gets bored to death " I joke rushing her .

"Going " she walks towards our room . Our room,  that sounds nice .

I headed into the bacement .

Riley's POV (Cora's bff)  
I go into Cora's room and turn on the radio . To my amazing surprise Like I do by Witt Lowry  comes on . As I dance to the song I relize that Cora is sleeping . Oops . I turn the radio down and walk silently to the side of her bed . I smile as I take her warm hand and hold it like a proud mom . "I love you " I said with happy/sad tears in my eyes . "You've been my friend for so amazingly long. I just friken love you . " 

"I love you too " she says crying .. what I think are happy tears .

As she opens her eyes I pull her into a long hug . "Hanging with you instead of fighting will be so great with you " she wipes away her tears as I do too .

I laugh " We can do manis and peddys , gang style of course "

"Of course " she giggles " now turn the radio up . I love this song "

On command I go and turn up the volume on the radio . I smile as I relize the song that's playing is Most girls by Haliee Steinfeld . 

" You know some days you feel so good in your own skin
But it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in
'Cause you look greatest when you feel like a damn queen
We're all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life"

"I love this song " I say with a huge smile on my face .

"Who doesn't ?" She smirks .

We talk for a few hours about baby names and stuff to do together when I have also have a kid (which is never ) . All of a sudden I hear a noise from the roof . Carefully I look out the window to see the guy that declared war on us . With shock I relize that he has a gun in his hand ." Cora hide now " I hiss .

"No I don't wanna play hide and seek " she looks at me weird .

"No Cora hide , there's a man outside " I say scared of what would happen if I didn't protect her .

"Well then we are both  fighting him " she argues panic in her voice .

"If you promise not to get hurt " I speak quick .

"Okay " she throws me a gun "Here ."

"Thanks " I say already loading my gun .

"Let's do this " she says also loading her gun .

I watch as he opens the window and then I see that it isn't him but one of his men  .

"Time to kill your baby " he laughs pointing the gun at her stomach .

With horror I watch as his finger moves the slightest bit and bang . I let my instints fly as I do the same . BANG the shot shakes the whole room . A look of shock takes up my face when I see the blood that's everywhere  .

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