#12 Bullets

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A/N ..so instead of voter of the day I'm doing Person of the day aka the last person that voted , commented , followed me , or added my book to their reading list .
And today's is ... sarabueckert .

Thanks for the follow !

***** Cora's POV ******

I glance at my tight zebra print dress and my black boots . I run my hand through my hair and smile . Aiden and I are going to Archery tonight . Except for the fact that we'll be using guns .

We have going for long now , usually to train . But tonight he said it was a date . Vroom I glance at the car from my spot inside the house . I grab my purse and run downstairs . He greets me at the door smiling . I seat myself and he starts the car . He smiles at me but doesn't say anything . He probably has lots of gang stuff in his mind . I return the gesture and both of us don't say anything till we arrive .

"You look beautiful tonight " he takes my hand and leads me to our favourite spot .

"Can I go first ? " I giggle .

"Sure " he smiles .

I take the gun and carefully aim . Bam the bullets huts the target right on .

"Nice "he high fives me . I watch as he finds himself a target he wants to shoot . Bam , bam , bam the bullets fly across the grass and hit the target .

"Do you wanna get them ? " he smirks . I run confused and look carefully at the bullets . To my surprise something he been engraved in them .

"Read it " he encourages .

I carefully organize the bullets in the right order and read it out loud . "I love you , jerk , prude whatever you are " I smile and look at him . He is no longer on his feet but on his knee . My hands go up over my mouth as I realize what's happening .

"Cora without you I am not whole . It's impossible for me to be complete without you . From the start of us I have fallen in love with every trait you have. I have something with you that I didn't even know was possible . Through good times and bad you were my rock . I hope I can be your rock , helper and partner for the rest of your , no our lives . Will you marry me ? " The tears are flowing and I am sobbing when he's done talking .

I cover my mouth as to hide my shock . "Yes " I sob barely audible . '
"Yes I will marry you " I give him a quick hug still crying "I love you " I whisper into his ear. He puts the ring on my finger and and I lean into kiss him . The moment is small, sincere and I wouldn't have it any other way .

Rat tat tat tat rat tat tat .

"Duck " Aiden shouts as a black figure comes out of the nearby woods shooting at us .

I crouch behind a rock and watch as Aiden pulls out his phone and texts the gang . I sit for a but three minutes when we hear a truck coming . The figure runs back but before it disappears the person shouts " I got your brother and I'll get you too "

I grit my teeth wanting to go after him and squish his guts out . Literally . The truck pulls up and Will climbs out . "Are you okay ? " he asks .

"We're fine " Aiden says even though he knows I'm not .

I make my way over to Aiden car tears in my eyes . "Hey we'll get back at him " Aiden comforts .

I bite my lip and dry the last if my tears . We will get back at him only 10000 times worse .

****Steve's POV (Surprise ) ***

Knock knock . I hear the noise coming from the door . I walk over to the door carefully because I'm not expecting any visitors . I open the door to see a strange man standing at my doorstep .

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