#19 Operation Let's go .

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*Aiden's POV *

I listen carefully as Cora explains what happens . Oh how I hate whoever did this.
We both agree it's time to do our plan . I call the entire pack telling them who's to do what . They all agree and we decide to have a meeting about the plan at my house in 20 minutes . I plan on my bulletin boards while Cora quickly packs for all of us .

Ding dong . I look at the plan one more time and head over to the door to welcome the gang . They all sit down in our living room and Cora gives them the last of our snacks . They listen intentivly as I explain everything to them . We decide who's doing what and get packed with equipment . They all go back home only to come tomorrow again .

As soon as they're gone I head upstairs to help Cora . She's busy packing her diaper bag for Cole . I watch her carefully with admiration and soon I realize she has a tear running down her check . 

I come from behind her and slowly wipe the tear away . "What's wrong ? "

She turns to face me and sobs as she explains . "I don't want my son to have to go through what I went through and I feel like such a bad mom for letting that happen "

"Oh honey , you're never going to be a bad mom Cora and you aren't either now" I tighten my grip around her .

"But just yesterday I really said goodbye to my brother and I thought I could finally  live in peace then this happens " she sobs even louder .

"Cora weather we had Cole or not we would always have to do this " I say even though I don't want to .

"I know it's just that I would have rather done it without Cole "  she looks at our son tears in her eyes .

"Me too , me too Cora " I agree my vision blurred . "  We can't control , well we kinda could , but now we can't control that it's happening now "

"I know " she nods digging herself deeper into me .

"Well honey let's just get it over with , so when Cole's older he won't remember" I say trying to comfort her .

"Okay " she sobs into my arms one last time and gets back to her job .

"Okay " I kiss her forehead and start helping her .

We pack ever thing put our house on extra protection and get to bed .

*morning *

"Aiden , today's the day " I wake up to Cora's beautiful voice whispering in my ear .

"Yeah it is " I yawn and roll over to face her. " Breakfast ? " I ask her as I lean .

"Eww bad breath " she shoves me away . "I'll go make you breakfast to freshen up then we can go out for lunch "

"Okay " I scoff and stand up . I dress myself up and pack even more things . But not things we're taking but things we're gonna put in a room and when we get back we'll actually take those things and move . I say good bye to every room then walk into my office to make a quick phone call .

* Cora's POV *

"Breakfast is ready " I shout up the stairs . When he doesn't come I shout again only louder . After a couple tries I go up the stairs to look for him .

"While it be ready in a month ?" I hear Aiden's voice come through the crack in the door .

A muffled voice comes and I start wondering who's in the room with him . I open the door just a crack wider and relax when I realize he's on the phone .

"C'mon I'll pay extra " Aiden almost pleads the other man .

"Breakfast is ready " I whisper then leave him to talk . I wonder who he's calling .

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