#7 Space

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Aiden's POV

"Wake up " Wes says .

"Okay I'm coming " I groan and follow him to the vehicle . We end up at the same place that we fought yesterday . I am determined to spend a day without Cora and give her some space then apologize .

"Thinking about Cora ?"Wes asks .

I nod and get working , I pick up a gun and set it our truck . We fought here for our justice and peace , but peace we will never have unless one specific people leave . Make that two specific people . Me and Cora . Don't ask me why just figure it out .

"Hey let's go "I say waving the guns the boys to come . We load the guns into the truck and head back .

Later I'm storing the guns in our secret storage room . I dust my hands and look at my progress . I notice a gun on the floor and pick it up and place it in the only remaining spot left . I watch with aw as a secret door opens . Carefully I step inside . The walls are covered in pictures and a big banner that says "Former Leaders " is hung up .

"Year 2005 Christian Vogel " a picture of a big tattooed man is underneath .

A big pile of rocks ends the hallway . A peace of paper is sticking out from under one rock .

"Dear whoever is reading this ....you must be the next leader . We're sorry we didn't tell you but we couldn't . Don't tell lots of people, believe me we tried it ended up getting this section bombed . Best of luck in running our amazing gang .. your past leaders " I read out loud . My mouth curls up into a smile because until I get Cora back I'll have something to smile about .

********Cora's POV ****One week later

I'm sitting I'm my room doing my makeup . I put my hair up in ponytail , put my gang jacket on and head to the car . After about five minutes of driving I arrive at my destination . High View Chapel. It's been abandoned for years so gangs use it for secret meetings . I park my car in the woods being the chapel and walk towards it . I walk up a trail and into the woods . He's standing there just like I said .

"You got it ? "I ask him .

"Yes "he mutters then lays a bag in front of me . I look inside to see a new gun , some medicine and money .

"Good , now let's get started on your part " in case you're wondering what's happening let me fill you in . So basically me and him made a deal , he gives me what I just got and I date him but only to help him with something too .

"Let's go " he leads me to his truck and we start driving . We arrive at a cute french restaurant on the outskirts of town . I take my jacket off to reveal a stunning blue floral print mini dress . He leads me inside and we take a seat .

"Madam what shall you have for a drink ? " A waiter asks when we get seated.

I giggle and reply " Vodka ! Monsieur "

After we both order Luke turns to me ."This is a sight we don't see every day , you in a bright dress . You look stunning by the way " he smiles.

"Thanks" I smile blushing .

He smiles then says "Tell me about yourself "

" Well I was born here and recently my brother died and my parents divorced . So now it's just me and my dad " I smile back " What about you ? "

"Born in Colorado , moved to Miami from there then I came here and settled " he ends his "long explanation " with a humph .

"What about family ? " I question .

"Just me and my parents but I decided to travel so they let me "

"Wow you must have quite the parents" I raise my eyebrows in shock .

"Sure do , they're the best " he nods .

"Aww , Wanna trade lives ?"I ask as a joke

"Oh you wouldn't know what you're getting yourself into " he smirks as if his life sucks .

"I'm sure I can handle whatever "problems " you've got " I smirk .

"Oh yah , I wouldn't be so sure "he laughs .

I laugh and scoot closer . His lips touch my forehead leaving a cool sensation . Sweet but not my Aiden sweet . I grin and say "Can you get any chessier?

"Sure can " he laughs .

I breath in and stop myself . By now we're done eating so he takes me back to my car and I drive home .

*****Luke's POV (surprise )****

When I get to my hotel I go straight to my room .Just before I go in a hotel maid hands me an envelope . Yes I'm staying in a hotel . I fake settled so I could figure something out . I breath in a sigh of relief when I repeat to myself that we didn't go too far . It was a part of the agreement and I'm gonna stick to it .

What agreement exactly , well when she caught me robbing a house she promised not to tell anyone if I gave her what she wanted . Plus she has to help figure something out and she needed to be my fake girlfriend . I set my keys down and read the letter .

"Luke , I'm so sorry that I let you go on your own . I'm supposed to be caring , loving and I'm trying but it's not me . So when you're done with your trip and investigation please come back and I'll try more .Love Tracy
Ps. You didn't give me your new phone number so I couldn't text you . "

I hold the paper in my hand . I want to go back but I can't , Chase deserves this .

*****Aiden's POV ********

I head to the outskirts of the city to help out in a restaurant . He said he needed a strong man to help unload some stuff . My dad's friend owns this french restaurant and since I've gown up close to the man he often asks me for help . I park my car in the front and take the keys . I'm about to go in when I see a guy kissing Cora . I'm shocked , surprised she'd take it this way . Is she trying to get me jealous ? Not letting my thoughts consume me I head inside .

"Hey Paddy " I say to my dad's old friend .

"Hey little Ay , Ay "he says reminding me of when I was little .

"What do you need help with ? " I ask .

"Could you assemble our new oven? " he points towards a box .

"Yes " I head over and get started .

A little while later he comes to see me finished . "Wow bravo " he applauds .

I smile and give him a bow .

"Want to get dinner ? " he asks .

"Sure " I say glad that I can have company for longer .

"So what's bothering you ?" He asks as we sit down at our table .

"You .. You saw ?" I ask confused .

"Yes Aiden , I always see " he reassures . Ever since my dad died he's been the closest thing I have to a father .

"Well I broke up with the girl of my dreams " I say immediately getting sadder .

"What happened ?" He asks sympathetic .

"Well I was using her but then I fell in love and she found out " I hold back my tears .

"This is the girl that you joined gangs with , right ? " he asks .

"Yeah , and now I have that to figure out too" I look down .

"Sometimes the answer is right in front of you " with that he stands up and abandons me at the table .

I drive home trying to figure out what he means by "right in front of your eyes ". I head in and lay down to sleep . I should tell her that I love her but she's probably dating that guy . I pinch myself hoping it's a dream and we're still together.

"Fuck" I curse wishing she would come back . Tears streaming from my eyes . She's not coming back . I'm too big of an idiot , too big of an loser . Tears flowing I fall asleep .

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Thank you 579 pair of eyes for looking at this !

Love you guys soo much !!!!!

💙Helena and mahei3997 💙

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