#22 Questions

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*Cora's POV *

As I zoom down the freeway I hit up some members of the gang . They all give me the same answer but offer to help . I thank them and continue driving down the freeway , I arrive at my exit soon and hurriedly speed off the freeway . I search everywhere I can think of and soon I'm right back where I started .

"Did anyone find anything ? " I ask desperately hoping for someone to have found them .

"Nope , I'm sorry Cora " I almost cry when I hear the answer .

"Well keep looking and I will too " I sigh .

"Okay , we'll find them I promise " he promises .

"Okay well I'll talk soon hopefully " I heave a sigh and sit down on the porch head in my hands .

"Yep bye " I put my phone and stuff it in my pocket . Where are you Aiden ?  I'm on the verge of tears when I realize Mom is gone . I pick up my phone and dial her number only to get sent to the voice mail . I try a couple times more and utterly defeated decide to look at the slip of paper she gave me . On the paper us address to some building on the other side of town . When I can't reach for even longer I decide to check it out .

"Hey Riley I'm here " I tell Riley over the phone as I arrive at our tiny little meeting place .

"Over here " I hear Riley almost scream from across the other side of the parking lot .

"Okay are you ready ? "  I ask pointing at the weird building the address sent me to .

"Mm hmm " she nods and I take my gun beckoning her to follow me . Only one step into the building I hear a man coming and nod for Riley to do it . I hear the impact as Riley kicks him hard in the balls. I twist around from my side of the door and cover his mouth with my hand .

"Where is Aiden ? " I give the man a pinch as I ask him .

"Downstairs "the man pants .

"Let's go " I throw the man farther into the room we dragged him into and make my way down the hall . In a minute we arrive at a stairs and slowly we both make our way down the stairs .

"Aiden " I scream as I see my hubby . I run towards him and engulf him in a bear hug . I cling Cole to me as I untie Aiden .

"Hey " I hear a soft voice from behind me to see Riley also had someone to untie.  I rub my eyes confused with who's in front of me . Is this real ?

"Oh my gosh " I sob as I engulf him in an ever big hug .

"Hey sister " he pats my back as we both sob our eyes out .

"How ? " My voice comes out all muffled and confused .

"I'll explain , I'll explain " he tightens the hug .

" Then do " I demand feed up .

"So when I was still a gangleader I was getting threats and it went to a point where whoever was doing it stared sending them to mom and dad . The only way it would stop is I would die . So I faked my death and then mom and dad got fake divorced and .." he starts to explain .

"Long story short . Me and dad are still married and Kendrick is alive " Mom interrupts impatient . 

"You do I'm not leaving here until you tell me every last bit of the story . Like your new marriage " I cross my arms .

"Well Mom and her new hubby got "married" a little later because her new hubby is one of the threaters and she did it to make him stop . "Kendrick continues his story .

"And then the threats came back to you but not that bad .." Dad helps along . Where did he come from ?

"So and that's why we are moving to Canada , so we can escape them for good " Aiden finishes .

"Where did you stay all this time ? " I ask Kendrick .

"Here in this warehouse with the help of Mom and Dad " he shrugs .

"Are you somehow a part of the past ? " Riley asks Aiden as if she knew all the questions in my head .

"Yes , I first used Cora to help with making sure she didn't get threats " he admits .

"Let's go " Someone urges .

"Okay " I sigh . " Also Dad , is this overdose a part of the plan ? "

"Yes " Dad nods and I smile glad it's not true . 

"So you guys are also moving to Canada ? " Riley asks surprised .

"Yes " They all nod .

" Why didn't you .." I start but get rudely interrupted .

" Let's go now , we all know we should have done what you are doing now back then "  Mom sighs .

"No kidden  , if you think about it this plan only benefited you and Aiden and Cole " Kendrick shrugs towards us and starts walking out . I glance at my little family have wondering if that's a good thing .

"Well let's go " Aiden shouts catching my glimpse . I watch as the others start walking out ,shocked by the moment . I mean there is plenty of good things in this but the last thing Kendrick said made me wonder if all the pain was worth it . Why would I even think that ?

"Hey Aiden " I scream after him as I try to catch up to him . I watch as he hesitates then stops turning towards me . "Aiden I need you to know ." I start as I put my on hand on Cole along with his hand .

"Where are you going ? " I hear a rough shout coming from the building . I turn around to see Mom's "hubby " . Hanes , I think his name is . He's wearing a grey t-shirt with black jeans and a scruffy leather jacket . His devil like expression glances over us as he waves his gun in our faces . "Wanna explain Debbie ?" He snarls .

"Um later please " she almost pleads .

"Nope , who are these people ? " he stares each and every one of us down with his big brown eyes .

"My family and friends " Mom trembles .

"Are they ? Well Debbie start explaining or I start doing " he demands picking Cole as his first victim . I tremble as I put my body in front of Cole and together me and Aiden try to protect him .

"I need to tell you something Hanes . " my Mom starts . " I never did and never will love you . You are a scruffy and I'd chose my husband over you 5000 times "
I zone out as I hug Aiden tighter whispering into his ear " Aiden I promise you the plan was worth it for you and Cole "

"Good because for you , Cora Brooklyn Faze and Cole Uthando Faze anything would be worth it" I smile as he comforts me , hugging me and Cole back . 

"Good "I smile leaning against him .

"BANG ! " a defining noise alarms me as I brace for the impact along with Aiden.

This is it!


So did you like it ?

Any clues on what's happening ?

Who's gonna die ?
Who's not gonna die ?

" We'll see " I clap my hands together as I crackle my evil laugh .

Anyways that's that . See you guys next time . (Or I hope )

Bye! 👋
I love you !
💟Helena 💟

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