#21 ..Flees

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*2 weeks later *

* Aiden POV *

"Is it all set up ? " I ask Debbie as soon as I get on the phone with her .

"Yes " she giggles .

"You didn't tell Cora did you ? " I ask accusingly .

"Of course not Aiden " she scoffs .

" Good , when is she leaving ? " I pull up on the side of the road as I pull my phone closer to my ear .

"Really soon , the taxi is on the way " she informs me .

"Good , do you know where she's going ? " I ask unsure .

"The driver is gonna keep me up on all the details " I hear her tiptoe across the floor .

"Good again , can you also give me his phone number ? " I take a paper prepared for what she's about to say .

"774 332 5671 " she chatters as she walks even farther down the hall .

"Thank you " I snap my pen off and lay it down .

"The taxi is here now , and she's leaving " she chatters almost excited .

"Okay tell me when it's safe to come " I add looking for a taxi out my front window .

After a couple minutes of silence she speaks up " Come now and the taxi driver just informed me that she's going to this small mall . "

"Okay I'm coming " I put the gear into drive and slowly get out of the parking spot .

"Okay seeya " she puts the phone leaving me with a loud beeping noise .

I arrive in a couple minutes to an open door with Cole all prepared and a giddy Debbie .

"Are you sure you're down ? " I say as I take Cole from the floor .

"Of course " she smiles softly .

"Tell me everything " I look into her eyes forcing her you promise .

"I promise I will " she offers me Cole's diaper bag .

I take the bag gladly an give her a quick hug " Good , I'll see you later "

"Yep , bye " she hugs me back and sends me off with a pat on my back .

With that being done I walk over to my car excited for Cole's first ever day out .

* Cora's POV *

"Good morning " I walk into the kitchen to see another meal . It's become a thing where she makes breakfast everyday and I give her my honest opinion .

"Hey mom " That's right , we've sorted through everything and now I call her mom .

"Today I made you a simple breakfast of waffles with berries and whipped cream on top " I laugh at my mom's Chopped voice .

I sigh and take a bite of the delicious looking thing . " Wow , you've really improved "

"Really ? " she asks waiting for my sarcasm to come through .

"I promise it's really good " I look at her trying to make my voice sound more serious .

"Okay I believe you" she says taking a bite still starring me over throughly .

"See " I point at her amazing reaction .

"Okay ," she smiles and continues eating . "Your bags are packed for the day "

"Okay good " I say starting to put the dishes in the dishwasher .

"The taxi will be here in forty minutes " she takes a quick look at the clock as she informs me .

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